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Promosi Affiliate Marketing Shopee Melalui Media Sosial Ditinjau Dari Prinsip Kejujuran Etika Bisnis Sonny Keraf

Zidni Rizki Utami, Prof. Dr. Lasiyo, M.A., M.M. ; Dr. Hastanti Widy Nugroho, S.S., M.Hum.

2024 | Skripsi | ILMU FILSAFAT

Penelitian Promosi Affiliate Marketing Shopee Melalui Media Sosial Ditinjau Dari Prinsip Kejujuran Etika Bisnis Sonny Keraf adalah penelitian yang mempunyai latar belakang perkembangan teknologi pemasaran di era global. Shopee sebagai e-commerce yang paling banyak diminati masyarakat Indonesia mengeluarkan program Shopee Affiliate yang dapat menjadi bisnis sampingan. Dalam penerapannya, affiliate marketer memanfaatkan media sosial sebagai sarana untuk mempromosikan link affiliate yang berisi produk. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk melihat promosi affiliate marketing oleh affiliate marketer melalui media sosial apakah sudah sesuai dengan prinsip kejujuran etika bisnis Sonny Keraf.

Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif mengenai fenomena aktual yang diperkuat melalui studi pustaka serta mencari tahu informasi dengan metode wawancara dengan affiliate marketer Shopee serta respon dari pengguna media sosial terhadap produk yang dibeli melalui link affiliate. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui lima tahapan yaitu, inventarisasi data, klasifikasi, wawancara, analisis, dan penyusunan penelitian.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa affiliate marketer memiliki strategi tersendiri saat mempromosikan produk. Affiliate marketer juga sering menemukan kecurangan dan hambatan dalam menjalani bisnis affiliate marketing di media sosial. Kegiatan promosi affiliate marketing Shopee di media sosial ini jika ditinjau melalui prinsip kejujuran etika bisnis Sonny Keraf menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar affiliate marketer telah memenuhi 3 aspek kejujuran dalam menjalani bisnis affiliate marketing. Prinsip kejujuran etika bisnis tetap menjadi pedoman bagi sebagian besar affiliate marketer ditengah banyaknya kecurangan yang ada.

The study of Affiliate Marketing Shopee Promotion Through Social Media Viewed From the Principle of Honesty in Business Ethics Sonny Keraf’s research that has a background in the development of marketing technology in the global era. Shopee as the most popular e-commerce in Indonesia issued the Shopee Affiliate program which can be a side business. In its application, affiliate marketers utilize social media as a means to promote affiliate links that contain products. This research is intended to see the promotion of affiliate marketing by affiliate marketers through social media whether it is in accordance with the honesty principle of Sonny Keraf's business ethics.

This research is descriptive qualitative about actual phenomena that are reinforced through literature studies and finding out information by interviewing Shopee affiliate marketers and responses from social media users to products purchased through affiliate links. This research was conducted through five stages, namely, data inventory, classification, interviews, analysis, and research preparation.

The results of this study indicate that affiliate marketers have their own strategies when promoting products. Affiliate marketers also often find fraud and obstacles in running an affiliate marketing business on social media. Shopee's affiliate marketing promotional activities on social media, if reviewed through Sonny Keraf's honest business ethics principles, show that most affiliate marketers have fulfilled 3 aspects of honesty in running an affiliate marketing business. The principle of honesty in business ethics remains a guideline for most affiliate marketers amid the many frauds that exist.

Kata Kunci : affiliate marketing, media sosial, kejujuran, etika bisnis

  1. S1-2024-445004-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2024-445004-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2024-445004-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2024-445004-title.pdf