Representasi Subordinasi terhadap Perempuan pada Film (Analisis Semiotika dalam Film "Before, Now, & Then" Karya Kamila Andini
Muhammad Cyril Al Fibran, Irham Nur Anshari, S.I.P., M.A.
2023 | Skripsi | Ilmu Komunikasi
The film has the ability to disseminate important messages. As a mass media, film is capable of representing prevalent social issues in society. The film "Before, Now, & Then" is designed to voice the long-felt injustices experienced by women. The subjugation of women is depicted through the life story of Nana. This research aims to comprehend how the film "Before, Now, & Then" represents the long-existing yet often unnoticed subordination of women in society. Roland Barthes' semiotics analysis method and the concept of gender inequality are employed to delve deeper into the content of female subordination in this study.
Based on the conducted analysis, it was found that the character of Nana in the film "Before, Now, & Then" experiences various forms of subordination. Nana undergoes at least two types of subordination, namely psychological subordination and social subordination. Acts of subordination are demonstrated through Nana's behaviour as well as the actions of others towards her. The implication of this research is to provide advice to film viewers and society at large to be more aware of acts of subordination towards women that take place within society.
Kata Kunci : Film, representasi, subordinasi, perempuan