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ACHMAD FADEL, Prof. Ir. Budi Guntoro, S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN Eng.


Pada tahun 2020 dunia tengah menghadapi pandemi Corona Virus Disease (Covid) 19 atau dikenal dengan pandemi Covid-19 yang menyebar secara global. Pandemi berdampak negatif terhadap seluruh sektor termasuk industri sapi potong dan turunan industrinya. Salah satu pelaku usaha yang sedikit banyak terimbas akibat adanya Covid-19 di Yogyakarta, yaitu Oricow Meatshop. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji strategi pemasaran Oricow Meatshop dalam rangka meningkatkan keuntungan perusahaan pada masa pandemi Covid-19, serta mengetahui alternatif strategi pemasaran online Oricow Meatshop saat pandemi Covid-19 dan mengidentifikasi hambatan yang dialami Oricow Meatshop dalam mengimplementasikan strategi pemasaan online selama pandemi Covid-19. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskripsi kualitatif . Pengambilan data primer melalui wawancara dan data sekunder dari studi literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi pemasaran Oricow Meatshop dengan cara meningkatkan proporsi penjualan online sebesar 60 persen terbukti mampu meningkatkan penjualan di masa pandemi. Hal ini juga didukung dengan adanya program reseller dan strategi promosi yang efektif. Namun demikian, masih terdapat kendala yang dialami pada masa pandemi yaitu kebijakan pemerintah yang dapat berubah, kelangkaan sumber bahan baku, dan persaingan bisnis di tengah masa pandemi. Strategi efektif yang perlu dikembangkan berdasar analisis internal dan eksternal perusahaan dalam rangka mendorong peningkatan penjualan di Oricow Meatshop adalah mengoptimalkan penggunaan media sosial dengan merekrut tenaga ahli digital marketing. Selain itu, Oricow Meatshop harus berani memperluas jangkauan pasar dengan mengoptimalkan program reseller, serta memastikan kelangsungan sumber bahan baku dengan menentukan supplier tetap pada masa pandemi.

In 2020 the world is facing the Corona Virus Disease (Covid) 19 pandemic or better known as the Covid-19 pandemic which has spread globally. The pandemic has harmed all sectors, including the beef cattle industry and its industrial derivatives. One of the business actors who have been more or less affected by the Covid-19 in Yogyakarta, namely Oricow Meat shop. The purpose of this study was to examine the Oricow Meatshop marketing strategy to increase the company's profits during the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as to find out alternative online marketing strategies for Oricow Meatshop during the Covid-19 pandemic and identify the obstacles experienced by the Oricow Meat shop in implementing online marketing strategies during the Covid pandemic. -19 using a SWOT analysis. The research method used is a qualitative method with descriptive analysis using primary data from interviews and secondary data from literature studies. The results showed that Oricow's marketing strategy by increasing the proportion of online sales by 60 percent was proven to be able to increase sales during the pandemic. This is also supported by a reseller program and an effective promotional strategy. However, there are still obstacles experienced during the pandemic, namely government policies that can change, the possibility of a scarcity of raw material sources, and business competition during the pandemic. The results of the SWOT analysis show that an effective strategy that needs to be developed to encourage increased sales at Oricow is to optimize the use of social media by recruiting digital marketing experts. In addition, Oricow must dare to expand its market reach by optimizing the reseller program, as well as ensuring the continuity of raw material sources by determining permanent suppliers during the pandemic.

Kata Kunci : Oricow Meatshop, Strategi pemasaran online, Covid-19

  1. S1-2022-368241-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2022-368241-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2022-368241-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2022-368241-title.pdf