Laporkan Masalah


PUTRI AULIA R, Wahyu Handayani S, S.S., M.A

2017 | Skripsi | S1 SASTRA JEPANG

Objek material dalam penelitian ini adalah novel Bonus Track karya Osamu Koshigaya. Novel ini menceritakan pencarian pelaku tabrak lari hantu Ryota yang melibatkan Kusano Tetsuya, seorang manajer di sebuah restoran hamburger. Meski cerita dalam novel ini berfokus pada pencarian pelaku tabrak lari yang dilakukan oleh Kusano, Ryota, dan Minami, pengarang memberikan banyak gambaran mengenai kebutuhan-kebutuhan dasar tokohnya, khususnya Kusano Tetsuya dan Minami Hiroto. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, penulis ingin mengetahui apakah semua kebutuhan dasar kedua tokoh tersebut terpenuhi. Selain itu, penulis juga ingin mengetahui persamaan ciri-ciri aktualisasi diri kedua tokoh tersebut apabila keduanya telah mencapai aktualisasi diri. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori psikologi humanistik dari Abraham Maslow. Berdasarkan teori psikologi humanistik Maslow, kebutuhan manusia terbagi menjadi dua, yakni kebutuhan dasar dan aktualisasi diri. Kebutuhan dasar terdiri dari empat kebutuhan, yaitu kebutuhan fisiologis, kebutuhan keamanan, kebutuhan cinta dan dimiliki, serta kebutuhan penghargaan. Apabila semua kebutuhan dasar telah terpenuhi, kebutuhan aktualisasi diri akan muncul. Pada kebutuhan aktualisasi diri, terdapat lima belas ciri, antara lain kemampuan melihat dunia secara lebih jernih, penerimaan diri sendiri, orang lain, dan sifat dasar, serta berfokus pada masalah. Seseorang dapat dikatakan telah teraktualisasi diri apabila telah memenuhi lima belas ciri tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Kusano Tetsuya dan Minami Hiroto mampu memenuhi keempat kebutuhan dasar mereka, sehingga keduanya dapat menuju aktualisasi diri. Akan tetapi, mereka belum dapat dikatakan teraktualisasi dirinya karena masih dalam tahap mengembangkan potensi-potensi yang ada atau terpendam dalam diri mereka. Keduanya telah menunjukkan beberapa ciri aktualisasi diri dalam diri mereka. Di antara ciri-ciri tersebut, terdapat dua persamaan ciri aktualisasi diri, yaitu kemampuan melihat dunia secara lebih jernih atau efisien serta spontanitas, kesederhanaan, dan kewajaran. Kedua ciri tersebut merupakan ciri-ciri aktualisasi diri yang umumnya dimiliki orang-orang teraktualisasi diri.

Material object in this research is a novel entitled Bonus Track written by Koshigaya Osamu. This novel tells about searching of the doer of ghost Ryotas hit-and-run case that involving Kusano Tetsuya, a manager in a hamburger restaurant. Although the story in this novel focuses on the search for the hit-and-run run by Kusano, Ryota, and Minami, the author gives many illustrations about the basic needs of his character, especially Kusano Tetsuya and Minami Hiroto. In this novel, the author clearly illustrates the basic needs of his characters, especially Kusano Tetsuya and Minami Hiroto. Based on that background, the writer wants to know whether all the basic needs of both characters can be fulfilled. In addition, the writer also wants to know the similarity of self-actualization characteristics from both characters if they have achieved self-actualization. This research uses the theory of humanistic psychology by Abraham Maslow. Based on the theory of humanistic psychology Maslow, human needs are divided into two, namely the basic needs and self-actualization. Basic needs consist of four needs, namely physiological needs, security needs, love and owned needs, and reward needs. When all basic needs have been met, the need for self-actualization will emerge. In the needs of self-actualization, there are fifteen characteristics, including the ability to see the world more clearly, self-acceptance, others, and nature, and focus on the problem. A person can be said to have been self-actualized when it meets these fifteen characteristics. The results of this research showed that Kusano Tetsuya and Minami Hiroto were able to fulfill their four basic needs, so both of them could reach their self-actualization. However, they could not be said that they had been self-actualized. It was because they were still in the stage of developing their existing or hidden potentials. Both of them had shown some characteristics of self-actualization in themselves. Among those characteristics, there are two similarities of self-actualization characteristics, namely the ability to see the world more clearly or efficiently and spontaneity, simplicity, and naturalness. Both of these characteristics are the characteristics of self-actualization that are generally owned by self-actualized people. Material object in this research is a novel entitled Bonus Track written by Koshigaya Osamu. This novel tells about searching of the doer of ghost Ryotas hit-and-run case that involving Kusano Tetsuya, a manager in a hamburger restaurant. Although the story in this novel focuses on the search for the hit-and-run run by Kusano, Ryota, and Minami, the author gives many illustrations about the basic needs of his character, especially Kusano Tetsuya and Minami Hiroto. In this novel, the author clearly illustrates the basic needs of his characters, especially Kusano Tetsuya and Minami Hiroto. Based on that background, the writer wants to know whether all the basic needs of both characters can be fulfilled. In addition, the writer also wants to know the similarity of self-actualization characteristics from both characters if they have achieved self-actualization. This research uses the theory of humanistic psychology by Abraham Maslow. Based on the theory of humanistic psychology Maslow, human needs are divided into two, namely the basic needs and self-actualization. Basic needs consist of four needs, namely physiological needs, security needs, love and owned needs, and reward needs. When all basic needs have been met, the need for self-actualization will emerge. In the needs of self-actualization, there are fifteen characteristics, including the ability to see the world more clearly, self-acceptance, others, and nature, and focus on the problem. A person can be said to have been self-actualized when it meets these fifteen characteristics. The results of this research showed that Kusano Tetsuya and Minami Hiroto were able to fulfill their four basic needs, so both of them could reach their self-actualization. However, they could not be said that they had been self-actualized. It was because they were still in the stage of developing their existing or hidden potentials. Both of them had shown some characteristics of self-actualization in themselves. Among those characteristics, there are two similarities of self-actualization characteristics, namely the ability to see the world more clearly or efficiently and spontaneity, simplicity, and naturalness. Both of these characteristics are the characteristics of self-actualization that are generally owned by self-actualized people.

Kata Kunci : Bonus Track, psikologi humanistik, Maslow, aktualisasi diri

  1. S1-2017-335141-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2017-335141-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2017-335141-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2017-335141-title.pdf