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RANDY WILIZA, Ertambang Nahartyo, Dr., M.Sc., CMA., Ak., CA.,

2017 | Tesis | S2 Manajemen

Penggunaan internet yang semakin popular adalah titik awal munculnya tren e-commerce yang merubah konsep perdagangan konvensional dimana supply chain menjadi diminimalisir. Perubahan lingkungan bisnis ini disikapi Bymart Asia sebagai eksportir handicraft dengan melakukan diversifikasi membentuk unit bisnis menjual handicraft dengan segmentasi pasar lokal dan secara online (e-commerce). Bymart Asia tentunya harus dapat mengimplementasi strategi dengan efektif dan efisien agar dapat survive dari persaingan di pasar dan untuk mencapainya Bymart Asia memilih diferensiasi produk yang didasarkan value propositions yang diberikan kepada customer segment sebagai media membedakan diri dengan kompetitor. Value proposition dan customer segment adalah bagian dari sembilan elemen kanvas model bisnis yang populer digunakan perusahaan terutama dengan background pemanfaatan TI sebagai backbone strateginya. Kanvas model bisnis yang diciptakan Alexander Osterwalder memiliki keunggulan menjelaskan implementasi strategi perusahaan secara sederhana dan tepat sehingga perusahaan dapat mengetahui are they on the right track. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dan menggunakan indepth semistructured interview yang dilakukan terhadap tiga partisipan dan hasilnya disajikan dalam thematic-conceptual matrix sebagai tool untuk mendeskripsikan, menginterpretasi dan memvalidasi data. Analisis selanjutnya menggunakan kanvas model bisnis untuk menjabarkan implementasi strategi Bymart Asia dan berfokus pada value proposition yang membentuk diferensiasi produk dalam menjalankan bisnisnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada dasarnya Bymart Asia dapat mengimplementasikan strategi dengan cukup efektif dan efisien. Sembilan elemen kanvas model bisnis terkoneksi secara fit. Spesifik pada value proposition desain yang unik, artistik, berkualitas tinggi dan bersifat last piece stock (terbatas) yang ditawarkan diterima secara positif oleh customer segment dan dijadikan sarana untuk menghasilkan diferensiasi produk. Desain, unik, artistik, berkualitas tinggi dan last piece stock menjadi kunci keberhasilan Bymart Asia dalam mengaplikasikan diferensiasi produk sehingga menjadikannya berbeda. Catatan yang muncul adalah rancunya konsep e-commerce yang diusung apakah brick & mortar atau brick & click yang berpengaruh pada customer segment sehingga berdampak pada kampanye pemasaran yang masih kurang fokus. Catatan lain adalah website (channel) kurang informatif pada foto dan spesifikasi produk serta payment gateway kurang variatif. Best practices divisi ekspor sebagai saudara tua divisi e-commerce memiliki peran signifikan dalam efektivitas dan efisiensi implementasi strateginya dan diterapkan dalam banyak elemen kanvas model bisnis. Saran dari penulis adalah mempertahankan best practices divisi ekspor untuk sutainibility dimasa depan. Selanjutnya adalah melengkapi informasi di website Bymart Asia sehingga dapat lebih informatif. Saran terakhir adalah kembali pada konsep brick & click sehingga customer segment lebih jelas dan fokus sehingga kampanye pemasaran lebih efektif dan efisien.

Internet usage lately has grown massively among its user. This condition has become a milestone for a breakthrough in industry that minimizing stages of supply chain. This internet effect reality has awaken Bymart Asia which previously only ran its business as a handicraft exporter and finally chose to diversified in new strategic business unit with new local market segmentation and new distribution channel which is through Bymart Asia website as an e-commerce company. Bymart Asia business sustainibility effort surely depends on how effective and efficient their strategy implementation and how to achieve it. Bymart Asia has chosen product differentiation which based on value propositions that will be delivered to their customer segment as their way to compete. Both of value proposition and customer segment mentioned earlier is part of commonly known as business model canvas invented by Alexander Osterwalder. Business model canvas is a concept to describe a companys strategy implementation simply and precisely so it becomes very popular among information technology based companies. This research was based on qualitative method and used indepth semistructured interview as an instrument for data collecting. Research data collection result from three participant had been interpretated, analyzed and validated by researcher using thematic-conceptual matrix as a tool that embrace almost all of the process. Finally, business model canvas was used to describe Bymart Asias strategy implementation and focused on their value proposition delivery to customer segment as a form of product differentiation. Research result has shown that basically Bymart Asia is capable to implementing their strategy through relevance, correlated and fit among nine elements of business model canvas effectively and efficiently. Specifically on unique and artistic design, high quality product and last piece stock (limited) as value propositions has been successfully delivered to their customer segment. This condition prove that Bymart Asia has succeeded to manage competition in the market with their product differentiation. Despite all of the positive things appeared, researcher found that there was a little confusion from the strategy implementation whether Bymart Asia is a brick & mortar or brick & click e-commerce company. This situation has resulting Bymart Asias grey area in customer segment and the marketing campaign to reach them. Another note is about their website as a channel that not to informative yet especially in products photo and specification. As a closing part of this abstract, researcher suggests that Bymart Asia must maintain crucial role of export division best practices implementation at the e-commerce division so Bymart Asia can keep their survival in the industry. Second, website improvement to become more informative channel is a necessity and finally researchers suggestion is Bymart Asia get back to their initiative concept as a brick & click company to give a clear road ahead about who are their customer segment really is and how to set a marketing campaign to reach and persuade them.

Kata Kunci : e-commerce, diferensiasi produk, value proposition, kanvas model bisnis

  1. S2-2017-387184-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2017-387184-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2017-387184-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2017-387184-title.pdf