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Evaluasi Lean Operation Pada Program Transformasi Di Indonesia Healthcare Corporation (IHC)

DEDI SUPRIATNA, Prof. dr. Laksono Trisnantoro, M.Sc., Ph.D; Dr. Firman, SE., MPH

2024 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat

Latar Belakang : PT Pertamina Bina Medika IHC (IHC) melaksanakan Program Transformasi untuk merealisasikan tujuan dari Holding Rumah Sakit (RS) BUMN. Salah satu Program Transformasi adalah Lean Operation Workstream Clinical Excellent dengan Inisiatif  Program Clinical Pathway.

Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi Lean Operation di IHC

Metode : Metode Penelitian merupakan Evaluation Research berupa Evaluasi Program, dengan pendekatan Analisis Kuantitatif.

Hasil : Secara keseluruhan Context Evaluation Lean Operation dengan indikator fondasi lean, sosialisasi & training dan penyesuaian strategi RS sudah cukup baik. Adapun RS dengan nilai fondasi lean baik adalah RS disekitar masyarakat rural. Hal ini dipengaruhi budaya rural dengan ciri khas tolong menolong, gotong royong, menekankan hubungan harmonis, interdependen/kolektivisme dan cenderung mengontrol perilaku.

Process Evaluation secara keseluruhan cukup baik meski masih perlu perbaikan. Indikator Development (perencanaan) dan Implementation (Pelaksanaan) Cukup Baik, sedangkan Feedback (Hasil) dikategorikan Baik

Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara Context Evaluation dengan indikator Fondasi Lean (Respect for People dan Continous Improvement), Sosialisasi & Training serta Penyesuaian Strategi RS dengan  Implementation dan Feedback (Process Evaluation). Implementation dan Feedback dipengaruhi indikator Context Evaluation tersebut.

Lean Operation yang dilaksanakan memberikan dampak signifikan dalam peningkatan Bed Occupancy Ratio (BOR), penurunan Length of Stay (LOS), Turn Over Index (TOI) dan penurunan rata-rata meninggal.

Namun untuk indikator rata-rata sembuh justru mengalami penurunan dan rata-rata rujuk cenderung naik. Kedua hal itu dimungkinkan karena adanya pengaruh pandemik Covid 19 yang cenderung naik di Tahun 2020-2020 dimana data penelitian ini digunakan.

Kesimpulan : Lean Operation Program Transformasi memberikan peningkatan kinerja rumah sakit di IHC Group. Disarankan agar dilanjutkan dengan terus dilakukan perbaikan 

Background : PT Pertamina Bina Medika IHC (IHC) is implementing a Transformation Program to achieve the goals of the State-Owned Hospital (RS) Holding. One of the Transformation Programs is the Lean Operation Workstream Clinical Excellence with the Clinical Pathway Program Initiative.

Objective : This study aims to evaluate Lean Operation at IHC.

Method : The research method is Evaluation Research, specifically Program Evaluation, using a quantitative analysis approach.

Results : Overall, the Context Evaluation of Lean Operation with indicators related to lean foundations, socialization and training, and hospital strategy adjustment is quite good. Hospitals in rural communities tend to have better lean foundations due to the rural culture emphasizing mutual assistance, cooperation, harmonious relationships, interdependence/collectivism, and behavioral control.

Process Evaluation is generally good but still needs improvement. Development (planning) and Implementation (execution) indicators are rated as good, while Feedback (results) is categorized as good.

There is a significant relationship between Context Evaluation and indicators such as Lean Foundations (Respect for People and Continuous Improvement), Socialization & Training, and Hospital Strategy Adjustment with Implementation and Feedback (Process Evaluation). Implementation and Feedback are influenced by these Context Evaluation indicators.

The implemented Lean Operation significantly impacts Bed Occupancy Ratio (BOR), reduces Length of Stay (LOS), Turn Over Index (TOI), and decreases average mortality rates.

However, the average recovery rate has declined, and the average referral rate tends to increase. These trends may be influenced by the Covid-19 pandemic, which saw an upward trend in 2020-2021 when this research data was used.

Conclusion : The Lean Operation Transformation Program has improved hospital performance within the IHC Group. It is recommended to continue with ongoing improvements.

Kata Kunci : Lean Operation, IHC, Transformasi, Clinical Pathway, Continous Improvement, Lean Operation, IHC, Transformation, Clinical Pathway, Continuous Improvement

  1. S2-2024-466071-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2024-466071-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2024-466071-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2024-466071-title.pdf