Evaluasi Usability User Experience (UX) pada Mobile Banking BCA mobile Menggunakan Metode System Usability Scale (SUS)
WISNU ARYADUTA, Raden Roro Fosa Sarassina, M.B.A., Ph.D.
2024 | Tugas Akhir | D4 PERBANKAN
Perkembangan teknologi internet telah mengubah layanan perbankan melalui mobile banking. Penelitian ini mengevaluasi kebergunaan (usability) aplikasi BCA mobile menggunakan metode System Usability Scale (SUS). Kuesioner SUS disebarkan kepada 100 pengguna aktif BCA mobile. Hasil analisis menunjukkan nilai rata-rata SUS sebesar 63,3, yang dikategorikan sebagai "marginally acceptable" atau di bawah rata-rata. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa meskipun BCA mobile berkinerja baik dalam beberapa aspek, ada ruang untuk perbaikan dalam efisiensi dan kemudahan penggunaan. Rekomendasi termasuk peningkatan antarmuka pengguna dan penyediaan panduan yang lebih jelas. Hasil ini diharapkan membantu BCA dalam meningkatkan kualitas layanan mobile banking dan menjadi referensi bagi penelitian di bidang ini.
The rapid development of internet-based technology has significantly transformed banking operations, especially through mobile banking services. This study aims to evaluate the usability of the BCA mobile application using the System Usability Scale (SUS) method. The SUS questionnaire, consisting of ten items, was distributed to 100 active users of BCA mobile. The collected data were analyzed using validity and reliability tests to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the questionnaire. The results indicate that the average SUS score for BCA mobile is 63.3, categorized as "marginally acceptable" or below average. These findings suggest that while BCA mobile performs well in certain aspects, there is room for improvement, particularly in terms of efficiency and ease of use. Recommendations for improvement include enhancing the user interface, providing clearer user guides and tutorials, and conducting regular usability testing to ensure a better user experience. The results of this study are expected to provide valuable insights for BCA in their efforts to improve the quality of their mobile banking services and to serve as a reference for future research in this field.
Kata Kunci : mobile banking, BCA mobile, System Usability Scale (SUS), kebergunaan, pengalaman pengguna, usability, user experience