Yogyakarta Creative and Commercial Hub dengan Pendekatan Ruang Interaktif
RINDI DWI CAHYATI, Syam Rachma Marcillia, S.T., M.Eng., Ph. D.
2024 | Skripsi | ARSITEKTUR
Ekonomi kreatif berperan sangat penting dalam pembangunan nasional Indonesia. Ekonomi kreatif Indonesia senantiasa dikembangkan melalui sektor industri kreatif dan UMKM yang setiap tahunnya mengalami peningkatan sehingga menyokong perekonomian bangsa. Selain perekonomian Indonesia secara global, perkembangan sektor ekonomi kreatif di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta pun tergolong baik. Industri ekonomi kreatif diprediksi dapat menjadi industri masa depan di wilayah DIY.
Pembahasan ekonomi kreatif kini tidak lepas dari peran anak muda. Generasi muda, terutama Generasi Z merupakan generasi produktif yang berpikiran luas dan berminat untuk membuka usaha sendiri dalam berbagai subsektor ekonomi kreatif. Minat generasi muda ini pun didukung perkembangan teknologi yang semakin maju sehingga memudahkan berbagai sektor kehidupan. Dalam konteks lokal di DIY, minat generasi muda ini belum diwadahi secara maksimal terutama dalam hal penyediaan fasilitas yang sesuai dengan karakter generasi muda dan perkembangan teknologi.
Rancangan pusat kreativitas dan komersial atau bisa disebut creative and commercial hub, menjadi perhatian khusus yang perlu dikembangkan. Perancangan creative and commercial hub di Yogyakarta menjadi salah satu upaya menciptakan wadah bagi generasi muda untuk meningkatkan produktivitas, kolaborasi, dan interaksi sebagai wirausaha dalam subsektor ekonomi kreatif. Konsep yang diusung dalam perancangan bangunan ini adalah Interactive for Youth. Konsep ini dipilih sesuai dengan target pasar yang ingin dijangkau. Konsep ini diwujudkan melalui implementasi prinsip-prinsip interaktif, antara lain kinetic frontiers, unfolding transience, spatial dynamics, building perceptions, nano possibilities, dan integrating nature. Beberapa prinsip tersebut diaplikasikan dengan memperhatikan interaksi yang terjadi dalam bangunan, termasuk di dalamnya interaksi dengan cahaya, manusia, suara, dan angin. Implementasi konsep diterapkan pada tiga zona utama, yaitu interactive workspace, interactive shopping space, dan interactive landscape. Melalui konsep ini, diharapkan tercipta rancangan bangunan yang mendukung minat anak muda di DIY dalam berwirausaha di dunia kreatif guna mengembangkan ekonomi kreatif Indonesia.
The creative economy plays a significant role in Indonesia's national development. Indonesia's creative economy is always being developed through the creative industry and MSME sectors, which increase every year, thus supporting the nation's economy. Apart from the Indonesian economy globally, the development of the creative economy sector in the Special Region of Yogyakarta is also relatively good. The creative economy industry is projected to become a future industry in the DIY region.
The current discussion of the creative economy is related to the role of the younger generation. Young generations, especially Generation Z, are a productive generation who are broad-minded and interested in opening their businesses in various sub-sectors of the creative economy. The younger generation's interest is supported by technological developments that make life easier. In the local context of DIY, the interests of the younger generation have not been maximally accommodated, especially in terms of providing facilities that suit the character of the younger generation and technological developments.
The design of a creative and commercial hub needs to be developed. The design of a creative and commercial hub in Yogyakarta is an effort to create a forum for the young generation to increase productivity, collaboration, and interaction as entrepreneurs in the creative economy subsector. The concept promoted in the design of this building is Interactive for Youth. This concept is chosen according to the target market. This concept is realized through interactive principles, including kinetic frontiers, unfolding transience, spatial dynamics, building perceptions, nano possibilities, and integrating nature. Some of these principles are applied by paying attention to interactions that occur in buildings, including interactions with light, people, sound, and wind. The concept is implemented in three main zones: interactive workspace, interactive shopping space, and interactive landscape. Through this concept, it is hoped that building designs will support the interest of young creative entrepreneurs in DIY to develop Indonesia's creative economy.
Kata Kunci : ekonomi kreatif, generasi muda, creative and commercial hub, interaktif