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Analisis Determinan Kinerja TNI Dalam Menghadapi Ancaman Nir-Militer (Studi Sasus Penanganan Bencana Non Alam Pandemi Corona Virus-19

Heri Wiranto, Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Darwin, MPA;Prf. Agus Heruanto Hadna, M.Si

2024 | Disertasi | S3 STUDI KEBIJAKAN

Penelitian ini berfokus kepada tugas perbantuan Tentara Nasional Indonesia sebagai bagian Gugus/Satuan Tugas Penanganan Corona Virues Diseased Tahun 2019 (Covid-19). Status darurat nasional penanganan Covid-19 merupakan inovasi kebijakan publik dalam keamanan nasional dari ancaman nyata bidang kesehatan, yakni kematian secara massif akibat infeksi skala luas Covid-19. Di lapangan, bagaimana kinerja TNI dalam penanganan Covid-19 di Indonesia ditentukan oleh kepemimpinan dalam mentransformasikan sumberdaya organisasi dalam bentuk manajemen penanganan bencana non alam dan kerjasama sinergis civic mission (misi kemanusiaan).

Penelitian menggunakan mixed methods dengan pendekatan explanatory sequential. Lokus penelitian seluruh wilayah Republik Indonesia yang dikategorikan dalam dua wilayah penanganan, dengan sampel sebanyak 360 kuesioner dan 25 wawancara.

Pada analisis data kuantitatif, kinerja penugasan TNI dipengaruhi oleh determinan kepemimpinan, organisasi dan manajemen, serta kerjasama TNI dalam bentuk model struktural determinan terhadap kinerja. Model temuan penanganan Covid19 dapat menjadi acuan pengerahan TNI dalam misi selain perang berikutnya. Selanjutnya, analisa kualitatif menyimpulkan kepemimpinan TNI dapat mewujudkan efektifitas operasional pengerahan organisasi TNI pada tingkatan manajemen taktis Operasi Penanganan Medis, Operasi Pengamanan, dan Operasi Dukungan penanganan Covid-19 di Indonesia. Format kerjasama TNI dalam misi kemanusiaan (civic mission) sinergis dengan penanganan Covid-19 di Indonesia. Selesainya misi pada bulan Juni 2023 mengembalikan TNI dalam tugas pertahanan yang menguatkan profesionalitas TNI.



This research focuses on the involvement of the Indonesian National Armed Forces as part of the 2019 Corona Virus Disease Handling Task Force (Covid-19) in Indonesia. The national emergency handling of Covid-19 is a form of public policy that must be implemented in Indonesia's national security system. The leadership of TNI Commander Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahyanto must be able to operationalize TNI organization and management in the format of handling non-natural disasters. Apart from these two determinants, the TNI's performance in handling Covid-19 in Indonesia is determined by synergistic cooperation in a civic mission (humanitarian mission) format.

The research method used is mixed methods with an explanatory sequential approach. The research locus is the entire territory of the Republic of Indonesia in two handling areas, with a sample of 360 questionnaires and 25 interviews.

In the first stage of data analysis, quantitative data taken using questionnaires was obtained from a structural model that had a relationship between the determinants of the TNI's performance in handling Covid-19, as a reference model for deploying the TNI on missions other than war. Furthermore, analysis of qualitative data resulting from resource interviews concluded that the leadership of the TNI Commander can realize the operational effectiveness of deploying the TNI organization at the tactical management level of Medical Handling Operations, Security Operations and Support Operations for handling Covid-19 in Indonesia. The TNI collaboration format in humanitarian missions (civic missions) is synergistic with handling Covid-19 in Indonesia. Completion of the mission in June 2023 returns the TNI to defense duties which strengthens the professionalism of the TNI.

In the first stage of data analysis, quantitative data taken using questionnaires was obtained from a structural model that had a relationship between the determinants of the TNI's performance in handling Covid-19, as a reference model for deploying the TNI on missions other than war. Furthermore, analysis of qualitative data resulting from resource interviews concluded that the leadership of the TNI Commander can realize the operational effectiveness of deploying the TNI organization at the tactical management level of Medical Handling Operations, Security Operations and Support Operations for handling Covid-19 in Indonesia. The TNI collaboration format in humanitarian missions (civic missions) is synergistic with handling Covid-19 in Indonesia. Completion of the mission in June 2023 returns the TNI to defense duties which strengthens the professionalism of the TNI.

Kata Kunci : kebijakan, keamanan nasional, kerjasama, misi kemanusiaan, kepemimpinan, organisasi dan manajemen, Tentara Nasional Indonesia, militer profesional.

  1. S3-2024-453443-abstract.pdf  
  2. S3-2024-453443-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S3-2024-453443-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S3-2024-453443-title.pdf