Dunia Pejalan dalam Novel Janji Karya Tere Liye: Analisis Sastra Perjalanan Carl Thompson
AURANITA GIBRANI DARMAWAN, Dr. Phill. Ramayda Akmal, S.S., M.A.
2024 | Skripsi | S1 SASTRA INDONESIA
Penelitian ini menggunakan novel Janji karya Tere Liye sebagai objek material dan penggambaran dunia sastra perjalanan sebagai objek formal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab dua rumusan masalah. Pertama, menganalisis penggambaran dunia dalam novel. Kedua, menganalisis bentuk negosiasi dan ideologi para pejalan dalam novel serta hubungannya dengan penggambaran dunia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ialah deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu mendeskripsikan data analisis penggambaran dunia, negosiasi, dan ideologi dalam novel Janji. Hasil penelitian ini ialah (1) penggambaran dunia yang dilakukan oleh para pejalan didominasi dengan penggambaran subjektif jauh. Para pejalan tidak dapat memisahkan rasa, emosi, dan pendapat pribadinya; (2) ditemukan tiga hasil negosiasi, yaitu kesepakatan, perbandingan, dan perubahan. Kemudian, ditemukan pula tiga ideologi yang dimiliki oleh para pejalan, yaitu teisme, humanisme, dan rasialisme; dan (3) melalui penggambaran dunia, terlihat negosiasi antara diri pejalan dan liyan yang ditemui serta ideologi yang dibawa oleh para pejalan.
This research uses the novel Janji by Tere Liye as a material object and reporting the world of travel literature as a formal object. This research aims to answer two problem formulations. First, analyze the reporting the world in the novel. Second, analyze the forms of negotiation and ideology of traveler in the novel and their relationship with the reporting the world. The research method used in the research is descriptive qualitative, namely describing data analysis of the reporting the world, negotiations, and ideology in the novel Janji. The results of this research are (1) the reporting the world made by travelers is dominated by distant subjective world reports. Travelers cannot separate their feelings, emotions, and personal opinions; (2) three negotiation results were found, namely agreement, comparison, and change. Then, it was also discovered that three ideologies were owned by the travelers, namely theism, humanism and racism; and (3) through the reporting the world, we can see the negotiation between the self and the other people they encounter as well as the ideology brought by the travelers.
Kata Kunci : sastra perjalanan, penggambaran dunia, negosiasi, ideologi, dan Tere Liye