Heri Siswanto, Willy Abdillah, Dr., M.Sc.,
2023 | Tesis | S2 MANAJEMEN (MM) JAKARTA
Penelitian ini mengevaluasi progres Transformasi Digital Enabler Strategis: Program Digitalization of Centralized Payment di PT PLN (Persero) dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan strategic imperatives untuk mencapai keberhasilan transformasi digital. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus dengan pendekatan studi eksploratori, melibatkan wawancara mendalam dan observasi langsung sebagai teknik pengumpulan data primer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya ketidaksesuaian antara antara elemen keras meliputi strategy, structure, dan system yang menghambat efektivitas transformasi digital. Selain itu, ditemukan keterbatasan dalam elemen lunak seperti skills karyawan, style kepemimpinan yang perlu disesuaikan, dan pentingnya konsistensi shared value. Simpulan penelitian menekankan perlunya keseimbangan dan sinergi antara elemen-elemen 7S McKinsey serta saran untuk memperkuat komunikasi shared value, meninjau kembali strategy, meningkatkan skills karyawan, menyesuaikan style kepemimpinan, dan melakukan penelitian lanjutan untuk mengukur perubahan dan perbaikan dalam Transformasi Digital Enabler Strategis: Program Digitalization of Centralized Payment.
This research evaluates the progress of Strategic Enabler Digital Transformation: Program Digitalization of Centralized Payment at PT PLN (Persero) by considering the need for strategic imperatives to achieve successful digital transformation. The research method used is a case study with an exploratory study approach, involving in-depth interviews and direct observation as primary data collection techniques. The research results show that there is a mismatch between hard elements including Strategy, Structure and System which hinder the effectiveness of digital transformation. Apart from that, limitations were found in soft elements such as Skills, Staff, Style that needed to be adjusted, and the importance of Shared Value consistency. The research conclusions emphasize the need for balance and synergy between McKinsey's 7S elements as well as suggestions for strengthening Shared Value communication, reviewing Strategy, improving Skills, Staff, adjusting Style, and conducting further research to measure changes and improvements in Digital Transformation Strategic Enabler: Program Digitalization of Centralized Payments.
Kata Kunci : Model 7S McKinsey, Transformasi Digital, Centralized Payment