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Analisis Pengaruh Keunikan Produk dan Word of Mouth terhadap Minat Beli Produk “Cokelat nDalem”

Sofie Nur Aini, Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochammad Maksum, M.Sc.; Dr. Henry Yuliando, STP., MM., M.Agr.


Pertumbuhan UMKM di Indonesia terus meningkat, termasuk di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY). Salah satu sektor industri UMKM yang berkembang di DIY adalah cokelat. Cokelat merupakan salah satu produk yang dapat dijadikan pilihan oleh-oleh bagi sebagian wisatawan yang datang ke DIY. Salah satu UMKM yang memproduksi olahan cokelat adalah Cokelat nDalem. Cokelat nDalem mengembangkan berbagai variasi cokelat batangan yang memiliki ciri khas Indonesia terutama Jawa di dalamnya. Bagi seorang pelaku usaha mengetahui tentang perilaku konsumen agar dapat memengaruhi minat belinya adalah sebuah hal yang penting. 

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh keunikan produk dan word of mouth terhadap terhadap terbentuknya customer perceived value pada Cokelat nDalem; Menganalisis pengaruh keunikan produk, word of mouth, dan customer perceived value terhadap terbentuknya minat beli produk Cokelat nDalem; serta Menganalisis pengaruh customer perceived value dalam memediasi peran keunikan produk dan word of mouth terhadap terbentuknya minat beli produk Cokelat nDalem. Analisis dilakukan dengan metode SEM-PLS menggunakan bantuan software smartPLS. Metode pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 181 responden. 

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel keunikan produk dan word of mouth berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap variabel customer perceived value dengan nilai t-statistik sebesar 8,685 dan 3,943. Variabel keunikan produk, word of mouth, dan customer perceived value berpengaruh positif sebesar 66,9% terhadap terbentuknya minat beli konsumen Cokelat nDalem. Variabel customer perceived value juga berperan sebagai variabel mediasi atau intervening dalam penelitian ini karena variabel customer perceived value secara tidak langsung memengaruhi pengaruh variabel keunikan produk dan word of mouth terhadap minat beli.

The growth of UMKM in Indonesia continues to increase, including in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY). One of the developing UMKM industrial sectors in DIY is chocolate. Chocolate is a product that can be used as a choice of souvenirs for some tourists who come to DIY. One of the UMKM that produces processed chocolate is Cokelat nDalem. Cokelat nDalem develops various variations of chocolate bars that have Indonesian characteristics, especially Java in them. For a business actor, it is important to know about consumer behavior in order to influence their buying interest.

This study aims to analyze the effect of product uniqueness and word of mouth on the formation of customer perceived value in Cokelat nDalem; Analyzing the influence of product uniqueness, word of mouth, and customer perceived value on the formation of interest in buying nDalem Chocolate products; as well as analyzing the influence of customer perceived value in mediating the role of product uniqueness and word of mouth on the formation of interest in buying nDalem Chocolate products. The analysis was carried out using the SEM-PLS method using the smartPLS software. The sampling method was carried out by purposive sampling technique. This study was conducted on 181 respondents

The results showed that the variable product uniqueness and word of mouth had a positive and significant effect on the customer perceived value variable with t-statistic values of 8.685 and 3.943. Product uniqueness, word of mouth, and customer perceived value variables have a positive effect of 66.9% on the formation of consumers' buying interest in Dalem Chocolate. The customer perceived value variable also acts as a mediating or intervening variable in this study because the customer perceived value variable indirectly influences the influence of product uniqueness and word of mouth variables on purchase intention.

Kata Kunci : customer perceived value, keunikan produk, minat beli, SEM-PLS, word of mouth

  1. S1-2023-439855-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-439855-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-439855-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-439855-title.pdf