Pengaruh Keseimbangan Kehidupan Kerja dan Modal Insani terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Perempuan di PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk
Ardiasari Kusuma Dewi, Arini Wahyu Utami, M.Sc., P.hD.; Fatkhiyah Rohmah, S.P., M.Sc.
Performance is an illustration of the level of achievement of policy implementation in realizing the goals, vision, and mission of the company. One of the efforts to improve employee performance is by implementing a work-life balance. Female employees have greater work demands because women have to carry out multiple roles, namely domestic roles, productive roles, and social roles. Apart from that, the management of the company's human capital is equally important because human capital is an invisible asset as a combination of human, process, and customer factors that provide a competitive advantage.
This study aims to (1) determine the constituent factors of work-life balance of female employees, (2) determine the constituent factors of human capital of female employees, and (3) determine the effect of work-life balance, human capital, age, and years of service on the performance of female employees. Location determination was carried out by purposive sampling at PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk with a total of 63 respondents who participated via a Google form questionnaire which was sent directly to the respondent's WhatsApp. The method used to analyze the data is factor analysis with SPSS Version 29 and multiple linear regression analysis with Eviews Version 9. The results showed that (1) female employees' work-life balance is composed of time balance factors, (2) female employees' human capital is composed of individual capability factors, and (3) work-life balance and human capital influence female employees' performance, whereas age and years of service have no effect.
Kata Kunci : keseimbangan kehidupan kerja, modal insani, kinerja, karyawan perempuan, analisis faktor, analisis regresi linear berganda.