PATRIOTISME DALAM LIRIK LAGU PUNK: Analisis Wacana Kritis Ide-ide Patriotisme dalam Lirik Lagu pada Album Sunset Di Tanah Anarki Karya Superman Is Dead
Alberta Vania Tirani, Dr. Ratnawati, S.U.; Devy Dhian Cahyati, S.IP, M.A.; Joash Elisha Stephen Tapiheru, S.I.P., M.A., Ph.D.
2023 | Skripsi | ILMU PEMERINTAHAN
Musik merupakan sebuah medium yang membawa berbagai macam kelompok dalam masyarakat menjadi satu, dan hal ini membuat musik menjadi kekuatan yang begitu besar dalam setiap perubahan sosial dan politik. Seperti produk budaya lainnya, musik tidak bebas nilai. Ia akan terus memiliki nilai, ideologi, bahkan agenda yang dibawa dalam penciptaannya. Selain merupakan bagian dari musik, lirik lagu juga merupakan teks dan bagian dari bahasa yang memiliki nilai ideologis di dalamnya. Penelitian ini menganalisis tentang pewacanaan ideologi patriotisme di dalam lirik-lirik lagu (teks) pada album Sunset Di Tanah Anarki karya Superman Is Dead, yang merupakan band punk asal Bali, Indonesia, yang biasanya erat dikaitkan dengan ideologi anarkisme.
Dengan menggunakan metode analisis wacana kritis model Norman Fairclough yang melihat peran penting bahasa sebagai arena pertarungan ideologi dan kekuasaan dengan tetap mempertimbangkan konteks sosial dan politik Analisis Wacana Kritis model Norman Fairclough bertujuan untuk menyingkap relasi kuasa demi perubahan sosial yang egaliter.Music is a medium that brings different groups in society together, making it a powerful force for social and political change. However, like any other cultural product, music is not free of values. It carries values, ideologies, and even agendas that are reflected in its creation. Song lyrics are also a form of text and language that contains ideological values. This research analyzes the ideological discourse of patriotism in the lyrics of the Sunset Di Tanah Anarki album by Superman Is Dead, a punk band from Bali, Indonesia, typically associated with anarchism.
Using Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis model, which recognizes language's role in ideological and power struggles while considering the social and political context, this research aims to reveal power relations for egalitarian social change.
This study found that the ideology of patriotism is being discoursed by Superman Is Dead through the use of language, as seen in their choice of words in the lyrics, while also considering the social and political context in which the text is produced and consumed. Through their songs, Superman Is Dead protested against the authorities who sought to destroy their “home”, Bali.
Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa ideologi patriotisme diwacanakan oleh Superman Is Dead melalui penggunaan bahasa yang bisa dilihat dari pemilihan kata dalam teks, serta turut mempertimbangkan konteks sosial politik ketika teks tersebut diproduksi dan dikonsumsi. Melalui lirik-lirik lagu yang diciptakannya, Superman Is Dead berupaya menyampaikan protes kepada penguasa yang ingin merusak ‘rumah’ mereka, Bali.
Music is a medium that brings different groups in society together, making it a powerful force for social and political change. However, like any other cultural product, music is not free of values. It carries values, ideologies, and even agendas that are reflected in its creation. Song lyrics are also a form of text and language that contains ideological values. This research analyzes the ideological discourse of patriotism in the lyrics of the Sunset Di Tanah Anarki album by Superman Is Dead, a punk band from Bali, Indonesia, typically associated with anarchism.
Using Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis model, which recognizes language's role in ideological and power struggles while considering the social and political context, this research aims to reveal power relations for egalitarian social change.
This study found that the ideology of patriotism is being discoursed by Superman Is Dead through the use of language, as seen in their choice of words in the lyrics, while also considering the social and political context in which the text is produced and consumed. Through their songs, Superman Is Dead protested against the authorities who sought to destroy their “home”, Bali.
Kata Kunci : wacana, analisis wacana kritis, Norman Fairclough, patriotisme, punk, ideologi, Superman Is Dead, musik dan politik, Bali Tolak Reklamasi