Ngonten ala Ketum: Kajian Karakter Personalisasi Politik Akun TikTok Airlangga Hartarto dan Giring Ganesha
Febriano Jonathan Caesar Wuaya Gerungan, Devy Dhian Cahyati, S.IP, M.A.
2023 | Skripsi | ILMU PEMERINTAHAN
This thesis aims to investigate the phenomenon of politicians as content creators on TikTok through the lens of political personalization. The politician in question is some of the general chairmans of the respective parties in Indonesia. In addition to the phenomenon of party personalization which is prone to occur in elites or their leaders, it is also important to see how party leaders express political personalization. This becomes even more important if the expression is carried out on social media, which is one of the symptoms of today's rapid technological developments.
The author chose TikTok as a new social media that is increasingly popular in the world and Indonesia is no exception. The research will be conducted on two verified accounts of Indonesian party leaders, namely Airlangga as chairman of Golkar (@airlanggahartarto) and Giring as chairman of PSI (@giringganesha). The theory used is the political personalization by Pedersen and Rahat, with the character dimension of political personalization in particular. The character dimension here contains two aspects, namely individualization-privatization; as well as positive-negative. Therefore, there are three variables used, which is (1) personalization scale, (2) individualization-privatization, and (3) positive-negative. The main method used is mix-method content analysis which combines qualitative and quantitative research with an exploratory sequential design flow. The samples that have been successfully determined are contents from one year from 16 November 2021 to 16 November 2022, which contains a total of 320 audiovisual contents on TikTok.
The research results reveal that Airlangga and Giring have a high political personalization scale with a tendency to present themselves in the majority of their TikTok contents. Furthermore, it was found that Airlangga often publishes individualization-themed content that presents himself professionally (individualization) and just a few private contents. In contrast, the majority of Giring's contents is themed on hobbies and family (privatization) and only a few that are characterized by individualization. In other types of characters, both of them are seen very often publishing content with a character of positive personalization. In this regard, Airlangga has never produced negative personalization content, while Giring has had one negative personalization content.
Kata Kunci : Personalisasi Politik, TikTok