Kondisi Sosial Anak-Anak Lebanon dalam Novel al-'Ummalu as-Salihun Karya Ilyas Abu Syabakah
Intishar Dinia Afifah, Hamdan, S.S., M.A.
2023 | Skripsi | SASTRA ARABPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan kondisi sosial anak-anak Lebanon dalam novel al-'Ummalu as-Salihun karya Ilyas Abu Syabakah dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra. Novel al-'Ummalu as-Salihun menceritakan kondisi sosial anak-anak Lebanon pada masa Mandat Prancis. Metode yang digunakan dalam menganalisis novel ini adalah metode deskriptif analitik.
This study aims to reveal the social conditions of Lebanese children in the novel al-'Ummalu as-Salihun by Ilyas Abu Syabakah using a literary sociological theory approach. The novel al-'Ummalu as-Salihun tells of the social conditions of Lebanese children during the French Mandate period. The method used in analyzing this novel is descriptive analytic method.
The results of research on the novel al-'Ummalu as-Salihun by Ilyas Abu Syabakah shows the four social conditions of Lebanese children during the French Mandate period. The four social conditions of Lebanese children are disharmony in the household, limited access to education, psychological instability in children, and child labour. This research also reveals welfare efforts for children, specifically the involvement of religious institutions to protect them and protection from neighbors to improve their live.
Kata Kunci : al-'Ummalu as-Salihun, anak-anak Lebanon, Mandat Prancis