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Kontribusi Corporate Social Responsibility Internal PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Fuel Terminal Rewulu dalam Membentuk Resiliensi Pekerja Internal di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

Nadya Ingrida Puteri, Danang Arif Darmawan, S.Sos., M.Si.

2023 | Skripsi | ILMU SOSIATRI

            Berangkat dari fenomena kemunculan pandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi di berbagai negara, nyatanya pekerja merupakan salah satu elemen masyarakat yang terdampak pandemi. Menurut Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (ICJR) (2020), berdasarkan temuan global dari International Labor Organization (ILO) terdapat berbagai dampak pandemi Covid-19 terhadap pemenuhan hak-hak pekerja di masa pandemi Covid-19. Selain itu, data dari Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Indonesia (KSPI) juga menunjukkan bahwa kurang lebih terdapat 50.000 pekerja yang mengalami pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) sejak awal 2021. Dengan demikian, diperlukan upaya dari perusahaan guna menjamin hak pekerjanya di masa pandemi melalui kegiatan CSR internal dari perusahaan. Meskipun begitu, realitanya dimensi CSR eksternal justru mendapatkan prioritas yang lebih tinggi. Oleh karenanya, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kontribusi perusahan terkait kegiatan CSR internal yang dilaksanakan di Fuel Terminal Rewulu sebagai upaya membentuk resiliensi pekerjanya di masa pandemi Covid-19.
          Untuk menganalisis fenomena tersebut, penulis menggunakan teori stakeholder dan teori resiliensi menurut Lienberg. Informan penelitian ini adalah pekerja organik dan non organik Fuel Terminal Rewulu yang dirasa riskan terpapar Covid-19 serta pekerja yang memegang peranan penting dalam operasional suplai dan distribusi BBM di FT Rewulu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus, serta menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kontribusi CSR internal di FT Rewulu terbagi menjadi lima isu yakni ketenagakerjaan dan hubungan kerja, kondisi kerja dan perlindungan sosial, dialog sosial, kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja, serta pengembangan manusia dan pelatihan di tempat kerja. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, kontribusi CSR internal di FT Rewulu tergolong cukup baik, meskipun kurang optimal dalam pengembangan isu dialog sosial. Kontribusi CSR internal di FT Rewulu juga telah memenuhi empat dimensi CSR internal yakni work-life balance, working enviroment, employment stability, dan training and development. Meskipun begitu, dimensi work diversity belum tercapai karena kurangnya pemerataan kesempatan bagi pekerja non organik untuk memegang peranan penting dalam struktur organisasi non kedinasan maupun perlomban. Selanjutnya resiliensi pekerja Fuel Terminal Rewulu terbilang cukup baik karena telah memenuhi ketiga aspek resiliensi yakni aset individual, sumber daya relasional, dan sumber daya kontekstual. Secara keseluruhan kontribusi CSR internal di FT Rewulu tergolong besar. Namun, hal tersebut tidak terlepas dari kuatnya jejaring sosial pekerja dan kompetensi individu yang mumpuni untuk beradaptasi dan membentuk resiliensi di tengah pandemi.

Starting from the phenomenon of the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic in various countries, it is evident that workers are one of the elements of society affected by the pandemic. According to the Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (ICJR) (2020), based on global findings from the International Labor Organization (ILO), there are various impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the fulfillment of workers' rights during the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, data from the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) also shows that approximately 50,000 workers have experienced layoffs since early 2021. Therefore, efforts are needed from companies to ensure the rights of workers during the pandemic through internal corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. However, in reality, the external dimension of CSR receives higher priority. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the contribution of the company related to internal CSR activities implemented at the Fuel Terminal Rewulu as an effort to build resilience for its workers during the Covid-19 pandemic.
           To analyze this phenomenon, the author utilizes stakeholder theory and the resilience theory according to Lienberg. The research informants for this study are organic and non-organic workers of Fuel Terminal Rewulu who are deemed vulnerable to Covid-19 exposure. These workers play a crucial role in the operational supply and distribution of fuel at FT Rewulu. This study employs a qualitative descriptive method with a case study approach, and used data collection techniques including interviews, observations, and documentation. The research findings indicate that the internal CSR contributions at FT Rewulu are divided into five issues: employment and labor relations, working conditions and social protection, social dialogue, health and safety at work, and human development and workplace training. Based on this, the internal CSR contributions at FT Rewulu have been implemented well, although they are less optimal in the development of the social dialogue issue. The internal CSR contributions at FT Rewulu have also fulfilled four dimensions of internal CSR, namely work-life balance, working environment, employment stability, and training and development. However, the dimension of work diversity has not been achieved due to the lack of equal opportunities for non-organic workers. Furthermore, the resilience of the workers at Fuel Terminal Rewulu is considered quite good as it meets the three aspects of resilience: individual assets, relational resources, and contextual resources. Overall, the contribution of internal CSR at FT Rewulu is quite large, even so this cannot be separated from the strong social networks of workers and qualified individual competencies to adapt and build resilience in the midst of a pandemic.

Kata Kunci : Internal Corporate Social Responsibility, worker resilience, stakeholder theory, internal CSR dimensions

  1. S1-2023-439448-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-439448-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-439448-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-439448-title.pdf