Nurmalita Qur'ani, Boyke Rudy Purnomo, S.E., M.M, PhD., CFP
2023 | Tesis | Magister ManajemenNuqeshop merupakan suatu bisnis pakaian yang menjual jilbab, baju, celana serta rok. Nuqeshop memiliki prinsip untuk menyediakan produk fashion ekslusif dengan harga yang terjangkau. Perkembangan bisnis Nuqeshop yang meningkat linier dengan jumlah limbah kain yang dihasilkan dari aktivitas produksi pakaian. Pandemi Covid-19 mengakibatkan penurunan pendapatan yang signifikan terhadap penjualan produk Nuqeshop. Upaya peningkatan pendapatan Nuqeshop dilakukan dengan menciptakan inovasi pembuatan produk pelengkap pakaian yang terbuat dari kain perca sisa produksi. Hal tersebut merupakan upaya efisiensi bahan baku serta upaya mengurangi jumlah limbah kain yang tidak dapat diuraikan di bumi. Inovasi produk kain perca tersebut dibuat menjadi scrunchie atau ikat rambut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun pengembangan bisnis dari Nuqeshop, dengan membuat produk scrunchie kain perca. Jenis penelitian dalam penelitian ini berupa penelitian kualitatif eksploratif, dengan metode pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan observasi, kemudian divalidasi menggunakan survey. Penelitian ini didukung dengan menggunakan data kuantitatif dengan analisis kelayakan usaha dalam aspek ekonomi dan non ekonomi. Adapun pertanyaan penelitian yang berbentuk wawancara kepada pihak internal Nuqeshop disusun berdasarkan Business Model Canvas, wawancara kepada kompetitor disusun berdasar Triple Layer Business Model Canvas, sedangkan hasil wawancara calon pelanggan dirangkai menggunakan peta empati. Adapun informan pada penelitian ini berjumlah 7. 1 orang dari pihak internal Nuqeshop, 3 orang kompetitor, dan 4 orang calon pelanggan yang mewakili 4 profil yang berbeda, kemudian divalidasi dengan survey dari 35 responden yang mencakup 4 profil tersebut. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa pengembangan bisnis Nuqeshop dengan membuat scrunchie dari kain perca sisa produksi yang memiliki nilai investasi Rp3.120.000 layak dijalankan karena memiliki NPV sebesar Rp46.422.479,33, IRR sebesar 98% dan nilai pengembalian selama 3 tahun 2 bulan. Berdasarkan analisis non ekonomi, pengembangan produk scrunchie kain perca akan mempengaruhi pemerataan pendapatan ibu-ibu penjahit di sekitar Wonokromo, Bantul serta bisa membantu bumi tetap lestari.
Nuqeshop is a fashion business that sells headscarves, clothing, pants and skirts. Nuqeshop has a principle to providing exclusive fashion products at affordable prices. Nuqeshop's business development increased linearly with the amount of fabric waste generated from clothing production activities. The existence of the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in a significant decrease in revenue for sales of Nuqeshop products. Efforts to increase Nuqeshop's income again are carried out by creating innovations in making complementary products from clothing made from a patchwork. The use of patchwork left over from clothing production is used as a means of raw material efficiency as well as an effort to reduce the amount of fabric waste that cannot be decomposed on earth. The innovation from the patchwork is made into a scrunchie or hair tie. This study aims to develop business development from Nuqeshop, by produce patchwork scrunchie products. The type of research in this research is in the form of exploratory qualitative research, with data collection methods through interviews and observation, then validated using a survey. This research is supported by using quantitative data with business feasibility analysis in economic and non-economic aspects. The research questions in the form of interviews with Nuqeshop internal parties were compiled based on the Business Model Canvas, interviews with competitors were arranged based on the Triple Layer Business Model Canvas, while the results of interviews with prospective customers were compiled using an empathy map. There were 7 informants in this study. 1 person from internal Nuqeshop, 3 competitors, and 4 potential customers representing 4 different profiles, then validated by a survey of 35 respondents covering the 4 profiles. The results of the study stated to developing business of Nuqeshop by making scrunchies from leftover patchwork which has an investment value of IDR 3,120,000 is feasible because it has an NPV of IDR 46,422,479.33, an IRR of 98% and a return value of 3 years and 2 months. Based on non-economic analysis, the development of patchwork scrunchie products will affect the equal distribution of income for tailor women around Wonokromo, Bantul and can help the earth remain sustainable. Keywords: Patchwork Scrunchie Business Development, Scrunchie, Patchwork
Kata Kunci : Pengembangan Bisnis Scrunchie Kain Perca, Scrunchie, Kain Perca