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Konservasi Tradisional Koleksi Wayang Kulit Gagrag Kedu


2022 | Skripsi | S1 ARKEOLOGI

Konservasi objek budaya secara tradisional merupakan praktik yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat tradisional dalam merawat fisik objek budaya serta nilai-nilai di dalamnya. Konservasi tradisional juga dipahami sebagai kekayaan budaya tak benda yang harus dijaga eksistensinya. Penelitian-penelitian tentang praktik konservasi tradisional telah banyak dilakukan sebagai upaya dokumentasi agar praktik-praktik tersebut tidak hilang seiring waktu. Adanya penelitian-penelitian tentang konservasi tradisional juga dapat membantu pengembangan konservasi objek budaya secara modern terutama di museum. Karya tulis ini berusaha untuk mendokumentasikan praktik-praktik konservasi tradisional terhadap koleksi wayang kulit gagrag Kedu. Penyusunan karya tulis ini dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif analitis melalui pendeskripsian secara rinci terhadap kondisi koleksi, faktor-faktor kerusakan, alat dan bahan, serta praktik konservasi tradisional oleh pemilik koleksi wayang kulit gagrag Kedu. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi partisipan, dokumentasi, serta wawancara dengan dalang dan kolektor wayang kulit gagrag Kedu. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan kondisi koleksi wayang kulit gagrag Kedu serta praktik atau upaya yang telah dilakukan dalam perawatan koleksi tersebut. Karya tulis ini diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu bahan rujukan dalam pengembangan metode konservasi koleksi wayang kulit di museum terutama wayang kulit gagrag Kedu.

Traditional conservation of cultural objects is a practice by traditional society in order to preserve the physical aspects of cultural objects as well as its values. Traditional conservation is also recognized as resources of non-material culture in which its existence must be preserved. Researchers have previously covered and documented certain traditional conservation practices that would, in otherwise, be lost in time. These researches on traditional conservation would help the development of modern conservations, especially in museums. This thesis serves to document the practice of traditional conservation of the collections of Kedu style shadow puppets. The disposition of this thesis uses the descriptive-analitic method through detailed descriptions of collections conditions, damaging factors, materials and tools, and the conservation practices itself by Kedu style shadow puppets owners. The data were accumulated through pasticipant observation, documentation, and interview sessions with puppeteers and collectors of Kedu style shadow puppets. The results of this research represents the condition of the collections along with the tendance efforts and/or current practices towards the collections upkeeping. The writing of this thesis is in hope of becoming one of the references in developing conservation methods of shadow puppets in museums, especially Kedu style.

Kata Kunci : konservasi tradisional, koleksi, wayang kulit, wayang kulit gagrag Kedu

  1. S1-2022-413295-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2022-413295-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2022-413295-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2022-413295-title.pdf