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HATINDRIYA H, Dr. Pujiharto, M.Hum

2022 | Tesis | MAGISTER SASTRA

Novel Kappa karya Ryunosuke Akutagawa menceritakan kehidupan para kappa yang ditemui oleh tokoh Pasien dalam perjalan pendakiannya. Akan tetapi, berbeda dengan kepercayaan orang-orang Jepang lazimnya, kappa-kappa yang menempati Kappaland dalam novel justru memiliki banyak perbedaan dan kemajuan dunia. Berkaitan dengan kondisi pluralitas dunia dalam novel tersebut, penulis mencoba menganalisisnya menggunakan teori possible world Marie-Laure Ryan, dengan berfokus pada properti dasar story-world (distance, size, completeness) dan klasifikasi genre (genre theory, multiple relations, dan split ontologies). Adapun tujuan dalam penelitian ini: menjelaskan distance antara AW dengan dunia cerita dalam novel Kappa; menjelaskan size dari story-world-nya; menjelaskan completeness dari story-world novel Kappa sebagai possible world; serta menentukan klasifikasi genre dari teks tersebut. Temuan penelitian ini sebagai berikut. Pertama, story-world novel Kappa disusun oleh komponen-komponen statis distance seperti komponen spesies, hukum alam, ruang dengan topografi tertentu, nilai dan aturan sosial, institusi dan profesi, objek, dan karakter, yang semuanya memiliki sisi keselarasan dan pelanggaran-pelanggaran hukum jika dikomparasikan dengan AW. Kedua, story-worlds novel Kappa dibangun oleh berbagai teks AW yang mengalami operasi transfiksi, seperti: perluasan cerita rakyat kappa; modifikasi-modifikasi agama kappa, penciptaan semesta-Adam-Hawa, perang Jepang-Rusia; cross over manusia dan kawaozo ke Dunia Kappa; serta embedding berbentuk cerita berbingkai. Ketiga, komponen-komponen distance dan size tersebut disatukan oleh berbagai aktivitas fisik dan mental karakter di dalam novel, yang selanjutnya membentuk completeness dari teks Kappa sebagai possible world. Terakhir, sebagai possible world atau APWs bagi masyarakat Jepang, teks Kappa hadir dalam wujud fiksi bergenre fantastic realism, yang karena kondisi multi-relasi dan split ontologies-nya juga, sekaligus dapat dipandang sebagai fiksi bergenre realis.

The Kappa by Ryunosuke Akutagawa talks about the lives of the kappa who met by the Patient character on his hiking journey. However, in contrast to the beliefs of Japanese people in general, the kappas who occupy Kappaland in the novel actually have many differences and progress in the world. Regarding the condition of world plurality in the novel, the writer tried to analyse it using Marie-Laure Ryan's possible world theory. This study focused on the fundamental properties of the story-world (such as distance, size, and completeness) and genre classification (genre theory, multiple relations, and split ontologies). The aims of this research are: to explain the distance between AW and the story-world in Kappa's novel; describe the size of the story-world; describe the completeness of Kappa's story-world as a possible world; and determine the genre classification of the text. The results of this study are as follow. First, the story-world of Kappa's novel is composed of static distance components such as species components, natural laws, space with a specific topography, social values and rules, institutions and professions, objects, and characters. All of them have harmony and lawlessness when compared to AW. Second, the story-worlds of the Kappa are built by various AW texts that have undergone transfictionality operations, such as the expansion of kappa folklore; kappa religious modifications, the creation of the universe-Adam-Eve, the Japan-Russia war; human and kawaozo cross over to Kappa World; and embedding in the form of framed stories. Third, the components of distance and size are united by the character's various physical and mental activities in the novel, which in turn form the completeness of the Kappa as a possible world. Lastly, as a possible world or APWs for the Japanese people, Kappa is present in the form of fantastic realism genre fiction. Due to its multiple relations and split ontologies, it can also be viewed as realist genre fiction.

Kata Kunci : Kappa, possible world, Marie-Laure Ryan, story-world, genre theory

  1. S2-2022-449393-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2022-449393-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2022-449393-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2022-449393-title.pdf