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M. ISMAIL HAMSYAH, Muhammad Zamzam Fauzanafi, S.Ant., M.A.

2022 | Skripsi | S1 ANTROPOLOGI BUDAYA

Pada era modern ini, musik tidak lagi menjadi sesuatu yang sulit untuk diproduksi. Teknologi zaman sekarang memudahkan seseorang menciptakan karya musiknya sendiri. Namun, sebelum peristiwa ini muncul, seorang musisi perlu bergabung dengan perusahaan label rekaman musik agar ide kreatifnya dapat direalisasikan. Pergeseran perubahan rekaman dari studio rekaman tradisional ke studio home recording tentu akan menciptakan perubahan pola perilaku para pelakunya. Oleh karena itu, pada tulisan ini akan dibahas bagaimana perubahan pengalaman indrawi yang dialami musisi pada proses produksi musik di studio tradisional ke home recording. Teori dibangun dari kajian anthropology of sound serta kajian lain yang berkaitan dengan antropologi indrawi dan rekaman musik. Penelitian pada skripsi ini bersifat kualitatif. Oleh karena itu data diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dengan salah satu personel Shaggydog sebagai pihak yang pernah melakukan rekaman di studio rekaman tradisional dan rekaman secara home recording. Selain itu, data untuk memperkuat studi kasus home recording didapatkan dari observasi partisipatif dengan Kamar Studios. Penelitian tentang pengalaman indrawi dari rekaman di studio rekaman tradisional dengan rekaman di studio home recording, menyimpulkan bahwa rekaman musik yang dilakukan oleh Shaggydog merupakan proses kreativitas yang muncul akibat pengaruh tiga faktor, yaitu: teknologi, lingkungan, dan aktor sosial. Masing-masing faktor memunculkan perubahan pengalaman indra yang berbeda. Pengalaman indra yang dirasakan dipengaruhi oleh teknologi yang digunakan, lingkungan yang mereka tempati, serta aktor sosial yang berperan.

In this modern era, music is not something that is hard to produce anymore. Modern technology has helped us to create our own music piece. Nevertheless, before this ease, musicians ought to join a major recording label in order for their creative ideas to come to life. The transitional change of recording process from traditional studio to a home recording studio would certainly create a change of pattern on the behaviour of the actors. Therefore, this writing is going to be talking about the change of sensory experiences done by actors in the process of music production from a traditional studio to a home recording studio. The theories are build upon the analysis of anthropology of sound, and other analysis that corelate with sensory anthropology and music recording. The basis of this research of undergraduate thesis is a qualitative one. Therefore the data were extracted from interview with one of the member of Shaggydog band, as an actor in experience of both recording in traditional studio and home recording studio. In addition to that, data are also extracted from a study case of home recording process, done by a participative-observation with Kamar Studios, in order to strengthen the research on home recording. The research on the sensory experience from traditional studio recording and home recording conclude that the music recording done by Shaggydog band is a process of creativity based on three factors, which are: technology, environment inside and outside of the studio, and social actors. Each of the factors are proven to create different changes of sensory experience. Sensory experience being felt was influenced by what technology they used, what environment they currently live in, and who were involved in the making.

Kata Kunci : rekaman musik, studio rekaman tradisional, home recording, kreativitas, pengalaman indrawi / music recording, traditional studio recording, home recording, creativity, sensory experience

  1. S1_2022_414974_abstract.pdf  
  2. S1_2022_414974_bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1_2022_414974_tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1_2022_414974_title.pdf