Laporkan Masalah


MERI SURIANI, Dra. Wahyu Hidayati, M.Si.

2021 | Tugas Akhir | D3 EKONOMIKA TERAPAN

Penilaian dilakukan dikarenakan belum diketahuinya Nilai Rumah Tinggal di Jl. Beringin Raya No. xx, Kel. Lolong Belanti, Kec. Padang Utara, Kota Padang, Prov. Sumatera Barat untuk Tujuan Penjaminan Utang Bank. Penilaian bertujuan untuk mengetahui opini Nilai Pasar dan Indikasi Nilai Likuidasi dari objek penilaian. Untuk menentukan opini Nilai Pasar dan Indikasi Nilai likuidasi digunakan alat analisis HBU (Highest and Best use), Pendekatan Pasar, Pendekatan Biaya, dan Rekonsiliasi Nilai. Setelah dilakukan Penilaian pada tanggal 27 April 2021 didapatkan Indikasi Nilai Pasar Rp1.845.200.000,- (Satu Miliyar Delapan Ratus Empat Puluh Lima Juta Dua Ratus Ribu Rupiah), menggunakan Pendekatan Biaya menghasilkan Indikasi Nilai Pasar sebesar Rp1.800.100.000,- (Satu Miliyar Delapan Ratus Juta Seratus Ribu Rupiah). Setelah dilakukan rekonsiliasi nilai diperoleh Nilai Pasar rumah tinggal sebesar Rp1.825.470.000,- (Satu Miliyar Delapan Ratus Dua Puluh Lima Juta Empat Ratus Tujuh Puluh Ribu Rupiah). Setelah Nilai Pasar hasil rekonsiliasi didapatkan, dilakukan perhitungan Indikasi Nilai Likuidasi yaitu 70% dari Nilai Pasar dan diperoleh Indikasi Nilai Likuidasi sebesar Rp1.277.800.000,- (Satu Miliyar Dua Ratus Tujuh Puluh Tujuh Juta Delapan Ratus Ribu Rupiah).

The valuation was carried out because the value of the Residential House on Jl. Banyan Raya No. xx, Ex. Lolong Belanti, Kec. North Padang, Padang City, Prov. West Sumatra for Bank Debt Guarantee Purposes. The purpose of the valuation is to determine the opinion of the Market Value and the Indication of the Liquidation Value of the object of the valuation. To determine the market value opinion and liquidation value indication, analysis tools are used HBU (Highest and Best use), Market Approach, Cost Approach, and Value Reconciliation. After the assessment was carried out on April 27, 2021, an Indication of a Market Value of IDR 1,845,200,000,- (One Billion Eight Hundred Forty Five Million Two Hundred Thousand Rupiah) was obtained, using the Cost Approach to produce an Indication of a Market Value of IDR 1,800,100,000 ( One Billion Eight Hundred Million One Hundred Thousand Rupiah). After reconciling the value, the market value of the residence is Rp. 1,825,470,000, - (One Billion Eight Hundred Twenty Five Million Four Hundred Seventy Thousand Rupiah). After the market value of the reconciliation results is obtained, the calculation of the Indicative Liquidation Value, which is 70% of the Market Value, is obtained and the Indication of the Liquidation Value is Rp. 1,277,800,000 (One Billion Two Hundred Seventy Seven Million Eight Hundred Thousand Rupiah).

Kata Kunci : Penilaian, Nilai Pasar, Indikasi Nilai Likuidasi/ Valuation, Market Value, Indication of Liquidation Value

  1. D3-2021-425870-abstract.pdf  
  2. D3-2021-425870-bibliography.pdf  
  3. D3-2021-425870-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. D3-2021-425870-title.pdf