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PUTRA ANGGARA W, Fahmi Prihantoro, S.S., S.H., M.A.

2017 | Skripsi | S1 PARIWISATA

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis: (1) proses pengambilan keputusan terhadap jasa Agrowisata Bhumi Merapi, (2) Tingkat kepuasan pengunjung terhadap produk yang ditawarkan oleh pengelola Agrowisata Bhumi Merapi, (3) Atribut yang perlu dikembangkan di Agrowisata Bhumi Merapi. Sampel 90 responden pengunjung Agrowisata Bhumi Merapi. Kuesioner dianalisis menggunakan metode deskriptif untuk proses pengambilan keputusan. Analisis menggunakan metode Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan produk dan metode Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) untuk mengetahui atribut yang perlu dikembangkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) Pada proses pengambilan keputusan, tahap pengenalan kebutuhan tujuan adalah untuk hiburan/rekreasi dan bermanfaat sebagai hiburan. Tahap pencarian informasi, pihak dan sumber informasi berasal dari lain-lain yang kebanyakan info dari kegiatan outbond sekolah. Tahap evaluasi alternatif, agrowisata sekitar sleman masih menyebar di lain-lain. Tahap keputusan pembelian, responden terlebih dahulu merencanakan pada akhir minggu, sebagian besar berkunjung untuk pertama kalinya dan pengeluaran di bawah Rp 100.000,00. Tahap kelima prilaku pasca pembelian, responden ingin kembali ke Agrowisata Bhumi Merapi. (2) Hasil analisis Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) menunjukkan angka 80,69% yang dapat dikatakan puas. (3) Hasil Analisis Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) menunjukkan atribut fasilitas objek wisata, area parkir, dan kebersihan lokasi perlu ditingkatkan.

This research aims are to analyze about : (1) the descision making process to buy Agrowisata Bhumi Merapi services, (2) customer satisfaction index to the products offered by the management of Agrowisata bhumi Merapi, (3) the attibutes which need to be developed at Agrowisata bhumi Merapi. There is a sample of 90 customers at Agrowisata Bhumi Merapi. The questionnaire is analyzed using descriptive method for decision-making process. Using the analysis of Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) is to determine the level of satisfaction of the products and Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) for knowing the attibutes that require to be developed. The results show that : (1) in the decision-making process, an introduction phase purpose is for entertaining the tourists and its benefit is as an amusement. Finding information phase, the main sources are from the information given by outbound activities of the school. The alternative evaluation phase shows that Agrotourism in Sleman is still spreading around other places. Purchase decision phase, respondents have to make a plan at the end of the week, which most of the tourists visit the place for the first time to spend under Rp 100.000,00. The fifth phase of post-purchase behaviour, respondents want to come back to visit Agrowisata Bhumi Merapi. (2) the result of the analysis of Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) shows that 80,69% of the customer total are satisfied. (3) the result of Importance-Performance Analysis shows the facility attributes of tourist attraction, parking area, and the cleanliness of the location need to be improved.

Kata Kunci : Tingkat Kepuasan, Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA).

  1. S1-2017-335172-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2017-335172-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2017-335172-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2017-335172-title.pdf