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Analisis Penentuan Permintaan Konsumen Fast Fashion Zara

STEPHANUS RENDY, Yulia Arisnani Widyaningsih, M.B.A., Ph.D.

2017 | Tesis | S2 Manajemen

PT. Sarimode Fashindo Adiperkasa adalah subsidiari dari PT. Mitra Adiperkasa Tbk., yang mengelola dan memasarkan merek Zara di Indonesia dan bertindak sebagai pemegang lisensi tunggal merek ini untuk Indonesia dan Vietnam. �Zara sendiri adalah salah satu merek mode dari Spanyol yang bergerak pada industri fast fashion dan dapat dianggap sebagai salah satu contoh sukses pada industri ini dan menjadi merek ritel dengan pertumbuhan terbaik di dunia. Hal ini cukup bertolak belakang ditengah maraknya isu penurunan penjualan ritel lain secara offline yang ditandai dengan tutupnya sejumlah department store di Indonesia, salah satunya disebabkan oleh gempuran penjualan ritel secara online. Tetapi Zara masih dipercaya mampu memberikan produk-produk mode terbaru dan terbaik yang masih diminati oleh pasar Indonesia dan mampu menghasilkan peningkatan penjualan yang cukup menjanjikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut bagaimana metoda Zara memprediksi permintaan pada industri mode yang terkenal cukup sulit untuk diprediksi, dikarenakan perubahan permintaan yang sangat cepat serta banyaknya faktor eksternal yang mempengaruhi. Apakah metoda ini cukup efektif dalam memprediksi permintaan di Indonesia serta bagaimana cara Zara melakukan perbaikan jika terdapat kesalahan pada prediksi permintaannya. Penelitian dilakukan melalui proses wawancara terhadap lingkungan internal Zara, baik itu pihak manajemen Zara di Indonesia, maupun perwakilan kepala manajer untuk beberapa toko Zara yang ada. Hasil wawancara ini dilengkapi dengan wawancara yang dilakukan terhadap sejumlah konsumen loyal Zara untuk membandingkan pendapat dari lingkungan internal dan eksternal perusahaan. Terdapat pula analisis dokumen penjualan untuk membandingkan ketepatan prediksi permintaan tiap produk dengan hasil penjualan riil nya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, ditemui sejumlah kesalahan prediksi yang cukup signifikan. Bagaimana cara Zara dalam memperbaiki prediksi kesalahan ini cukup menarik untuk dipelajari, terutama dalam pemanfaatan teknologi informasi yang berkatian dengan QR, serta upaya dalam memperbaiki kondisi lingkungan ritel dengan tujuan untuk mempromosikan dengan lebih baik produknya.

PT. Sarimode Fashindo Adiperkasa is a subsidiary of PT. Mitra Adiperkasa Tbk, which fully organizes and manages Zara for Indonesia. As the part of its responsibilities, also acts as a single agent brand, which has the right to hold the official license and royalty of Zara for Indonesia and Vietnam. Zara is one of the fashion brands from Spain as the part of Inditex�s group, which focus on the fast fashion retail industry. Zara can be considered as one the success story in this industry and famous as one of successful fashion brand in the world. Quite contradictive with what we are seeing now, related with declining sales in fashion retail industry, especially for their offline basis (brick and mortar store), which we can see from the closure of several department stores in Indonesia. It said that online shopping takes the responsibility for this phenomena, and makes customers shift from offline to online. In the other hand, market still trusts Zara as their shopping destination which able to provide the newest and latest fashion products which currently are on trend and still able to deliver promising sales incremental so far. This research has its aim to explore further about methods, which have been used in Zara to forecast and predict their demands, and how they understands what their customer�s needs, how to translate what are on trend in the fashion industry. To predict and forecasting demand in fashion retail is not an easy business. The demand is well known as very volatile and unstable, because quick changes of the fashion trends and also heavily affected by lots of external factors. This research observes whether this method is practically effective to predict demands for Indonesian�s market and how Zara able to make correction if there�re any mistakes in this forecasting process. This research conducted through interview process with internal stakeholder of Zara in Indonesia, which are the middle-high level managements and also several store managers as a representative of Zara�s stores in Indonesia. And another interview process with external stakeholder, which are Zara�s loyal customers to make it complete. There is some additional analysis, which use historical sales data to see the real result of this prediction method. Based on the end result of this research, found out several mistakes in the prediction, which are quite significant. The interest part of it is, how Zara can improve this error by utilize advance information technology and how to communicate and promote their product better related with marketing strategy in their retail environment.

Kata Kunci : forecasting demand, fashion retail, fast fashion, marketing in fashion, quick response, supply chain in fast fashion, retail environment, marketing strategy, marketing intelligence system, historical sales data

  1. S2-2017-360930-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2017-360930-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2017-360930-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2017-360930-title.pdf