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Analisis Penerapan Strategi Multi-Distributorship Kasus PT Semen Gresik

NESTOR TIMESMEI M, Ertambang Nahartyo, Dr. M.Sc., CMA., Ak., CA.

2017 | Tesis | S2 Manajemen

PT. Semen Gresik sebagai produsen Semen Gresik menerapkan strategi multi-distributorship di wilayah pemasaran Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. PT. Semen Gresik mengangkat tiga distributor yaitu Koperasi Warga Semen Gresik, PT. Semen Indonesia Logistik, dan PT. Setia Cahaya Sarana Perkasa yang berperan untuk memasarkan, menjual, dan mendistribusikan produk Semen Gresik. Perkembangan kinerja distributor dalam lima tahun terakhir ini menunjukkan tren pertumbuhan penjualan dalam ton naik dari tahun ke tahun, namun tidak diikuti pertumbuhan pangsa pasar, terjadi peningkatan biaya operasional, dan penurunan revenue dan profitabilitas distributor, sehingga membuat strategi multi-distributorship Semen Gresik belum memenuhi test sebagai winning strategy yang meliputi the fit test, the competitive advantage test, dan the performance test. Beberapa faktor penyebab turunnya kinerja tersebut adalah: Pertama, manajemen wilayah multi-distributorship yang kurang berorientasi pada peningkatan nilai hubungan pelanggan, dan daya saing terhadap competitor. Kedua, manajemen operasional multi-distributorship yang kurang berorientasi kepada efektifitas dan efisiensi pengelolaan biaya operasional dan investasi di bidang sumberdaya manusia, infrastruktur, dan modal kerja khususnya pengelolaan persediaan yang bisa menaikkan customer service level, volume penjualan, dan pangsa pasar. Ketiga, konsep bauran pemasaran Semen Gresik yang kurang menunjukkan differentiation dengan bauran pemasaran pesaing sehingga tidak berdampak pada peningkatan loyalitas pelanggan dan memudahkan terjadinya perpindahan pelanggan kepada merek lain. Keempat, Penilaian kinerja distributor yang hanya fokus pada pertumbuhan volume penjualan dalam ton namun kurang memperhitungan pertumbuhan revenue dan profitabilitas distributor. Faktor-faktor tersebut menjadi input penting dalam proses kajian terhadap aktivitas primer dan aktivitas pendukung dalam rantai nilai multi-distributorship, dan kajian tersebut menghasilkan beberapa langkah alternatif perbaikan rantai nilai yang segera dapat dilakukan oleh PT. Semen Gresik bersama ketiga distributor untuk meningkatkan kinerja distributor, yaitu implementasi economic order quantity (EOQ), manajemen data pelanggan, penerapan Key Success Factor (KSF), manajemen persediaan melalui gudang penyangga, dan pengembangan differentiation konsep bauran pemasaran.

PT. Semen Gresik, which is the producer of Semen Gresik, carries out multi-distributorship strategy in Special Region of Yogyakarta marketing area. PT. Semen Gresik appoints three distributors, i.e. Koperasi Warga Semen Gresik, PT. Semen Indonesia Logistik, and PT. Setia Cahaya Sarana Perkasa, which market, trade, and distribute Semen Gresik products. The distributors performance in the past five years has exhibited increased sale in ton every year. However, this is not followed by market share growth whilst operating cost increases and distributor profitability and revenue decline, so Semen Gresiks multi-distributorship strategy has not passed tests to be a winning strategy. The tests are the fit test, the competitive advantage test, and the performance test. Some factors which lowered the performance were: First, lack of orientation toward the advancement of customer relation value and competitiveness by the regional management of the multi-distributorship. Second, lack of orientation toward effectiveness and efficiency of the management of operating cost and investment in human resources, infrastructures, and work capital, especially supply management, to improve customer service level, sale volume, and market share, by the regional management of the multi-distributorship. Third, lack of distinction between the marketing mix concept of Semen Gresik and competitors marketing mix, leading to lack of impact on customer loyalty and making it easy for customers to shift to other brands. Fourth, distributor performance appraisal only focusing on the growth of sale volume in ton without considering the growth of distributor revenue and profitability. These factors are important inputs in studying the primary activities and supporting activities in multi-distributorship value chain and the study cultivated several alternative steps to alleviate the value chain which can be immediately enforced by PT. Semen Gresik and its distributor to mitigate distributor performance, i.e. enforcement of economic order quantity (EOQ), management of customer data, enforcement of Key Success Factor (KSF), supply management by buffer warehouse, and development of differentiation of marketing mix concept.

Kata Kunci : Multi-Distributorship, Value Chain, Winning Strategy, Performance.

  1. S2-2017-387168-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2017-387168-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2017-387168-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2017-387168-title.pdf