Distribusi Film Independen di Yogyakarta (Studi Kasus Strategi Distribusi Film pada Komunitas Pabrik Film)
2015 | Skripsi | S1 ILMU KOMUNIKASIDi industri film Indonesia, sektor distribusi hilang dilindas oleh struktur pasar oligopoli karena dicampur dengan sektor eksibisi. Permasalahan distribusi pun dirasakan di ranah komunitas. Terutama di Yogyakarta sebagai kota yang gerak perfilmannya sangat kental pada ranah komunitas. Permasalahan yang kerap muncul adalah bagaimanakah film akan didistribusikan agar dapat sampai ke penontonnya. Masalah ini termasuk dialami oleh komunitas Pabrik Film. Untuk meneliti permasalahan ini, peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian studi kasus deskriptif untuk menggambarkan dan menginterpretasi distribusi film independen yang dilakukan komunitas Pabrik Film. Peneliti mencoba mengkaji bagaimana konsep strategi distribusi film independen yang diterapkan dalam komunitas film Pabrik Film. Hingga kini, distribusi film independen masih belum menjadi fokus utama Pabrik Film dan juga komunitas film di Yogyakarta secara umum. Selain karena sistem yang ada menyulitkan, kurangnya inovasi dan kreativitas dari para filmmaker dan komunitas film ini pun membuat jalan yang ada semakin sempit. Komunitas film di Yogyakarta masih memiliki pemikiran utama untuk produksi saja. Pabrik Film belum secara matang memikirkan konsep distribusi mereka, ruang dan sistem distribusi mereka belum ditata secara jelas sehingga distribusi pun belum berjalan seperti yang diinginkan. Permasalahan distribusi film memang tak hanya dirasakan oleh Pabrik Film saja, namun juga hampir seluruh komunitas film yang ada di Indonesia. Distribusi pada film independen belum menjadi fokus utama dan tidak banyak didalami oleh para penggiat komunitas film.
In the Indonesian film industry, the distribution sector is lost and crushed by oligopoly market in the exhibition sector. Distribution issues are also perceived in the community sphere. Especially in Yogyakarta, as a city which has strong movement in the realm of film production communities. One issue that often arises is how the film will be distributed in order to get to the audience. This issue is also experienced by Pabrik Film community. To investigate this issue, researcher used a descriptive case study method to describe and interpret the independent film distribution in Pabrik Film community. Researcher tried to assess how the concept of independent film distribution strategy adopted in the Pabrik Film community. Until now, the distribution of independent films is still not a major focus of Pabrik Film and also in Yogyakarta film community scene in general. The existing system, lack of innovation and creativity of the filmmakers and the film communities were to make the existing road getting narrower and more difficult. Film communities in Yogyakarta are still focusing on the production sector alone. Pabrik Film has not thoroughly thought about the concept of their distribution, their distribution space and systems have not been clearly laid out. In this case, it made the film distribution was not running as intended. These film distribution issues are not only felt by Pabrik Film, but also by the majority of the film communities in Indonesia. Distribution in the independent film has not been the main focus and not been much explored by the film community activists themselves.
Kata Kunci : distribusi film, film independen, komunitas film, strategi, film distribution, independent film, film community, strategy.