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DIAN MUFITASARI, Prof. Dr. Amitya Kumara., MS., Psikolog

2016 | Tesis | S2 Psikologi Profesi

Keyakinan diri guru dalam mengajar siswa dengan berbagai macam kebutuhan menjadi kunci keberhasilan implementasi pendidikan inklusif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji validitas modul pelatihan AKTIF Diskusi Kasusdalam meningkatkan efikasi diri guru. Validasi dilakukan dalam dua tahap. Pertama, uji validitas isi dilakukan melalui forum diskusi dan penilaian 3 orang ahli sekolah inklusi. Hasil analisa Aiken V terhadap masing-masing aspek menunjukan skor V antara 0,75 hingga 0,92 (V>0,70). Validitas isi keseluruhan modul dianalisa berdasar model Tuckman dan Waheed menghasilkan prosentase 87,41%. Artinya modul memiliki validitas isi yang memadai. Kedua, uji empiris dengan eksperimen kuasi menggunakan desain Untreated Control Group Design with Dependent pre-test and post-test samples. Subjek adalah 14 orang guru sekolah dasar inklusi yang dibagi menjadi kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa efikasi diri guru di kelompok eksperimen secara signifikan mengalami peningkatan dibandingkan kelompok kontrol (z= -2,312, p= 0,021; p< 0,05). Artinya modul pelatihan AKTIF Diskusi Kasusberpengaruh dalam meningkatkan efikasi diri guru dalam menyelenggarakan pendidikan inklusi.

This research aimed to test the validity of teacher training module of AKTIF DISKUSI KASUS to improve teacher self-efficacy in implementing inclusive education. Case discussion method was used to deliver the materials. The validation was conducted in two stages. First, the content validity test was conducted through discussion forums and assessment of three people who are expert of school inclusion. The results of the analysis of Aiken's V of each aspect showed the score V was between 0,75 to 0,92 (V>0,70). The content validity of the overall module was analyzed based on the model of Tuckman and Waheed which generated a percentage of 87,41%. This means that the module had a sufficient content validity. Second, the empirical test through a quasi experimental by using the design of untreated control group design with a dependent pre-test and post-test samples. The subjects were 14 primary school teachers, who were divided into groups of the experimental and the control group. The results of statistical tests showed that teacher self-efficacy in the experimental group significantly experienced an increase compared to the control group (z= -2,312, p= 0,021; p< 0,05). This means that the teacher training module of Guru AKTIF effected the improvement of teacher self efficacy in organizing educational inclusion.

Kata Kunci : inclusive education, teacher self-efficacy, case discussion

  1. S2-2016-353850-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2016-353850-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2016-353850-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2016-353850-title.pdf