Analisis Assessment Sales Ratio dan Potential Loss Atas Penetapan NPOP Tanah Kosong Sebagai Dasar Pengenaan Pajak BPHTB (Studi Kasus Kecamatan Ngaglik, Kabupaten Sleman Tahun 2022)
BETA NUR RAHMAWATI, Yudistira Hendra Permana, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D.
2024 | Tugas Akhir | D4 Manajemen dan Penilaian Properti
The Land and Building Acquisition Duty (BPHTB) is one of the largest sources of tax revenue in Sleman Regency. This study aims to analyze the conformity level of reported transaction prices with market prices assessed by the Regional Financial and Asset Agency (BKAD) and researchers in Sleman Regency, and to examine the physical, property environmental, and demographic factors affecting the Assessment Sales Ratio (ASR) and the Acquisition Value of Tax Objects (NPOP). The data used are secondary data obtained from BKAD Sleman Regency. The sample determination in this study used purposive sampling based on specific criteria, resulting in a total of 329 transaction data and assessment results in Ngaglik District. The results show that several factors influence the discrepancy between the market value of properties and the reported transaction values. This discrepancy is largely due to the valuation techniques applied by sellers, buyers’ finansial preferences, and the level of taxpayer compliance in honestly reporting transactions. Land size positively affects NPOP but negatively impacts ASR achievement. Meanwhile, the distance to main roads and government centers negatively affects NPOP but is not significant for ASR achievement. The discrepancy between BKAD and researchers’ ASR results indicates differences in valuation techniques. Demographic factors such as age, gender, marital status, occupation, religion, and education partially influence ASR achievement, representing taxpayer behavior in financial decision-making and compliance aspects. The ASR analysis using two different market value indicators (BKAD and researchers) reveals that Ngaglik District has an ASR percentage of 84.8% and 45.2%, indicating under assessment. The ASR calculations result in different total potential tax loss amounts, with a total potential loss of Rp1,400,492,289 based on BKAD’s research and Rp11,917,259,262 based on the researchers’ findings.
Kata Kunci : Kata Kunci : Nilai Pasar Properti, Potential Loss, Faktor Demografis, ASR, BPHTB, Kondisi Fisik dan Lingkungan Objek Pajak.