Beban Kerja Mental Pada Personel Aviation Security di Bandara Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Palembang
Simanjuntak, Widya Linawati, Dr. Dra Retna Siwi Padmawati, MA ; Vena Jaladara, SKM., M.PH
2024 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat
Beban Kerja Mental Pada Personel Aviation Security di Bandara Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Palembang
Latar belakang: Kebutuhan transportasi udara yang meningkat setiap tahun berdampak pada seluruh aktivitas kinerja pekerja di bandar udara. Setiap pekerja yang mengambil bagian dalam peningkatan aktivitas ini akan berpotensi mengalami beban kerja mental, khususnya personel aviation security. Sistem operasi bandara Bandara Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Palembang berlangsung hampir 24 jam yang menuntut avsec untuk menjalankan sistem kerja shift. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut perlu dilakukan penilaian beban kerja mental terhadap personel avsec di Bandara SMB II Palembang.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain mixed method (kuantitatif deskriptif dan kualitatif case study) dengan pendekatan sequential explanatory design. Beban kerja mental dinilai menggunakan metode NASA-Task Load Index dengan indikator mental demand, physical demand, temporal demand, frustration, effort, dan own performance. Sampel kuantitatif berjumlah 85 orang yang ditentukan dengan purposive random sampling. Informan kualitatif berjumlah 12 orang yang dipilih secara purposif.
Hasil: Beban kerja mental personel avsec di Bandara SMB II Palembang terbagi dalam 3 kategori, yakni beban kerja mental sedang dengan jumlah 9 responden (10,4%), beban kerja mental tinggi dengan jumlah 32 responden (37,2%), dan beban kerja mental sangat tinggi dengan jumlah 44 responden (51,1%). Indikator mental demand memiliki nilai yang paling tinggi dibandingkan dengan indikator yang lainnya yakni dengan nilai rata-rata 28,1.
Kesimpulan: Perlu dilakukan penyeimbangan tuntutan tugas secara efektif agar beban kerja mental personel avsec dapat menurun. Hal ini guna menjamin keselamatan, kesehatan, kenyamanan, dan efisiensi serta produktivitas avsec dalam jangka panjang.
Kata Kunci: beban kerja mental, NASA-TLX, aviation security, bandar udara, mixed-method, sequential explanatory design
Mental Workload on Aviation Security Personnel at Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Airport, Palembang
Background: The need for air transport that increases every year has an impact on all worker performance activities at the airport. Every worker who takes part in this increased activity will potentially experience mental workload, especially aviation security personnel. The airport operating system of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Airport Palembang lasts almost 24 hours which requires avsec to run a shift work system. Based on these conditions, it is necessary to assess the mental workload of avsec personnel at SMB II Airport Palembang.
Method: This research used a mixed method design (quantitative and qualitative descriptive case study) with a sequential explanatory design approach. Mental workload was assessed using the NASA-Task Load Index method with indicators of mental demand, physical demand, temporal demand, frustration, effort, and own performance. The quantitative sample totalled 85 people who were determined by purposive random sampling. Qualitative informants were 12 people who were purposively selected.
Result: The mental workload of avsec personnel at SMB II Airport Palembang are divided into 3 categories, namely moderate mental workload with 9 respondents (10.4%), high mental workload with 32 respondents (37.2%), and very high mental workload with 44 respondents (51.1%). The mental demand indicator has the highest value compared to other indicators with an average value of 28.1.
Conclusion: It is necessary to balance the demands of the task effectively so that the mental workload of avsec personnel can be reduced. This is to ensure the safety, health, comfort, efficiency and productivity of avsec in the long term.
Keywords: mental workload, aviation security, airport, NASA-TLX, mixed-method, sequential explanatory design
Kata Kunci : beban kerja mental, NASA-TLX, aviation security, bandar udara, mixed-method, sequential explanatory design / mental workload, aviation security, airport, NASA-TLX, mixed-method, sequential explanatory design