Analisis Potensi Bahaya Pada Pekerjaan Cerucuk Bambu Dan Matras Bambu Dengan Metode Hazard Identification Risk Assessment And Determining Control (HIRADC)
ADAM FACHREZY, Agus Nugroho, S.T., M.T.
Semarang-Demak Toll Road Section 1B is a toll road built above the sea and
mostly passes through areas with clay as the base soil condition. One of the
scopes of work is soil improvement using bamboo piles and bamboo mats. In its
implementation, this work carries a high risk of work accidents because workers
are working directly above the sea. The relationship between unsafe acts
(unsafe act) and unsafe conditions (unsafe condition) poses a danger resulting
in work accidents. The HIRADC (Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and
Determining Control) method is a method used to assess the safety and security
of work implementation. This method includes identifying potential hazards,
assessing the level of risk, and controlling the risk.
research uses a descriptive quanlitative method. Data collection is carried out
through direct observation, interviews with project implementers, and the
distribution of risk assessment questionnaires to experienced respondents
(engineering staff and supervisory consultants). The risk assessment by
respondents will form a new perspective in responding to potential hazards,
making the results valuable for evaluating and updating the safety and health
procedures (K3) on the project.
on the results of hazard identification through direct observation and
interviews with the implementers, 56 potential hazards were found in the soil
improvement work. The risk assessment results indicate that 23.21% of the
hazards are categorized as high risk, 75% as moderate risk, and 1.79% as low
risk. Risk control is carried out based on the risk control hierarchy, which
includes elimination, substitution, engineering controls, administrative
controls, and personal protective equipment (PPE). Additionally, proactive and
collaborative prevention measures are taken as preventive steps to prevent work
Kata Kunci : Unsafe Act, Unsafe Condition, Kecelakaan Kerja, K3. HIRADC