Penggunaan Citra Sentinel 2 dan DSAS untuk Detkesi Perubahan Garis pantai Base-G, Kota Jayapura, Papua
David Emanuel Putra Ham Imbiri, Ir. Abdul Basith, S.T., M.Si., Ph.D.
2024 | Skripsi | TEKNIK GEODESI
Papua is located at the eastern end of Indonesia, with potential natural resources of economic and strategic value. Base-G Beach or also known as Tanjung Ria is one of the tourist destinations of Jayapura City which is often visited by tourists with its natural beauty and good services. However, as in coastal areas in general, Base-G beach is inseparable from changes in coastline from year to year. By utilizing image data from satellite imagery, shoreline changes can be identified. The purpose of this research is to provide a visualization of changes in the Base-G coastline from 2016 to 2020 in the form of a coastline change map.
This activity began with processing of the downloaded Sentinel 2 images. The image processing included resampling a subset of the Base-G beach area and also analyzing the normalized difference water index (NDWI) using the ESA SNAP application. The shoreline change analysis was then followed by thresholding the area to obtain shoreline features. After obtaining the shoreline features, the shoreline change analysis was carried out with the help of the DSAS tool using the Net Shoreline Movement (NSM) method integrated with ArcGIS software.
The results shows that, changes in the coastline that occur result in the coastline changing towards the west, this means that changes in the Base-G coastline are dominated by abrasion. With the highest abrasion of -22.7m, while the highest accretion value is 6.6m and has an average shoreline change of -6.5m.
Kata Kunci : Perubahan Garis Pantai, Base-G, Sentinel-2, DSAS, Shoreline Changes, Base-G, Sentinel-2 Imagery