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Gambaran Kepuasan Ibu terhadap Video Edukasi tentang Perawatan Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah (BBLR)

Mentari Rosriyana Dewi, Ika Parmawati, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.M.; Dr. Fitri Haryanti, S.Kp., M.Kes.

2024 | Skripsi | ILMU KEPERAWATAN

Latar Belakang: BBLR merupakan bayi dengan berat lahir <2>

Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode deskirptif analitik dan rancangan cros-sectional dengan 68 responden. Penelitian ini menggunakan User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) dengan ditambah dua pertanyaan terbuka untuk saran dan harapan responden. 

Hasil: Kepuasan reponden terhadap video edukasi tentang perawatan BBLR dilihat dari skala daya tarik rata-rata nilai 1,69, skala kejelasan rata-rata nilai 1,79, skala efisiensi rata-rata nilai 1,35, skala ketepatan rata-rata nilai 1,54, skala stimulasi rata- rata nilai 1,61 dan skala kebaruan rata-rata nilai 0,83. 

Kesimpulan: Kepuasan reponden terhadap video edukasi tentang perawatan BBLR dilihat dari skala daya tarik termasuk kategori bagus, skala kejelasan termasuk kategori bagus, skala efisiensi kategori diatas rata-rata, skala ketepatan kategori bagus, skala stimulasi kategori bagus dan skala kebaruan kategori diatas rata-rata. Saran perbaikan pada skala efisiensi terkait kecepatan/ durasi video dan pada skala kejelasan terkait kreatifitas video.

Background: LBW is a baby with a birth weight <2>

Objective: To find out the picture of maternal satisfaction in general and to find out the picture of maternal satisfaction based on age, level of education and previous experience of having LBW children with educational videos about LBW care. Method: This research is a quantitative study with analytical descriptive methods and a cross-sectional design with 68 respondents. This research uses the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) with the addition of two open questions for respondents' suggestions and hopes. 

Result: Respondents' satisfaction with educational videos about LBW care was seen from the attractiveness scale with an average value of 1.69, the clarity scale with an average value of 1.79, the efficiency scale with an average value of 1.35, the accuracy scale with an average value of 1 .54, the stimulation scale average value is 1.61 and the novelty scale average value is 0.83. 

Conclusion: Respondents' satisfaction with educational videos about LBW care can be seen from the attractiveness scale including the good category, the clarity scale including the good category, the efficiency scale in the above average category, the accuracy scale in the good category, the stimulation scale in the good category and the novelty scale in the above average category. Suggestions for improvements on the efficiency scale related to video speed/duration and on the clarity scale related to video creativity.

Kata Kunci : BBLR, Kepuasan, Video edukasi, LBW, Satisfaction, Educational video

  1. S1-2024-496649-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2024-496649-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2024-496649-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2024-496649-title.pdf