Pola Spasial Pergeseran Desa Pusat Pertumbuhan di Kabupaten Kulon Progo Tahun 2011 dan 2021
DINA RAHAYU, Dr. Luthfi Muta'ali, S.Si., M.T.
The government of Kulon Progo Regency has made various efforts to equalize development, one of them is by establishing residential centers or urban hierarchies since 2012. However, regional inequality still exist. Over the past 10 years, Kulon Progo has had rapid development, especially in the physical aspect, so further analysis is needed regarding the establishment of the urban hierarchy. This analysis generally aims to assess the trickledown effect of the hierarchy determination. Therfore, study aims to (1) analyze the shift of the growth center village (DPP), (2) analyze the spatial pattern of DPP shift, and (3) provide policy direction.
This study use quantitative descriptive with assessment indicator of completeness of facilities by guttman scale analysis, complexity of facilities by centrality index, connectivity by urban network analysis, and the potential interactions by gravity index. Then, spatial autocorrelation analysis was carried out to determine the DPP shift using Global Moran’s I Index and Local Indicator of Spatial Autocorrelation (LISA). The findings from both analyses then became the basis for determining policy direction using SWOT and literature studies.
This study shows that there are 42 villages or 47.8% of villages experiencing class increases, which indicates the development of villages in Kulon Progo Regency. The results of spatial autocorrelation analysis show that there is a grouping in villages with similar values. In this case, the H-H cluster did not spread to a wider area, while the L-H cluster was formed which is located adjacent to the H-H cluster, that indicates that the spread of development is still concentrated at certain points and the lack of integration among regions. Policy directions that can be given are optimizing local economic potential, strengthening integration and cooperative relationships with inter-villages, increasing the promotion of local economic potential, and forming large-scale growth objects in areas that do not yet have local economic potential.
Kata Kunci : autokorelasi spasial, DPP, trickledown effect