Prarancangan Pabrik Green Ammonia dengan Metode Alkaline Water Electrolysis Kapasitas 20.000 Ton/Tahun
MUHAMMAD FIRMANSYAH, Dr.-Ing.Teguh Ariyanto, S.T., M.Eng.
2024 | Skripsi | TEKNIK KIMIA
Green ammonia direncanakan berdiri dengan kapasitas 20,000 ton /tahun
dan beroperasi selama 330 hari per tahun. Bahan baku utama pabrik ini adalah H2O
dan N2. Produk berupa amonia diperoleh dengan cara mereaksikan N2
dan H2 yang diperoleh dari elektrolisis H2O dengan
teknologi Alkaline Water Electrolysis. Proses elektrolisis dijalankan pada suhu
90°C dan tekanan 1 atm, sedangkan reaksi pembentukan amonia dijalankan pada
suhu 450°C dan tekanan 153 atm. Reaktor amonia menggunakan mekanisme pendinginan
berupa adiabatic quench cooling. Produk keluaran reaktor amonia
dipisahkan menggunakan separator drum untuk diambil produk amonia dengan
kemurnian sebesar 99%. Pabrik Green ammonia direncanakan berdiri di atas
tanah seluas 8.80 ha dengan luas bangunan sebesar 14.30 ha dengan jumlah
karyawan sebanyak 317 orang. Pendirian pabrik green ammonia direncanakan
berdiri Desa Cilegong, Kecamatan Jatiluhur, Kabupaten Purwakarta, Provinsi Jawa
Barat. Dalam mendukung proses produksi diperlukan utilitas berupa make up water
sebanyak 32.15 m3/jam, udara kering sebanyak 672 m3/jam, listrik sebesar
61,614 kW. Pendirian pabrik membutuhkan fixed capital sebesar
$20,888,497.71 atau sebesar Rp341,156,166,798.20 dan working capital sebesar $5,883,619.64 atau sebesar Rp96,092,746,828.93. Berdasarkan
analisis produk dan teknologi, pabrik ini termasuk dalam kategori medium risk karena merupakan produk baru pada pasar yang sudah ada. Berdasarkan
analisis ekonomi pabrik ini memiliki nilai Faktor Lang sebesar 3.49, return of investment (ROI) sebelum pajak sebesar 6.96?ngan batas antara 16-24%, payout time (POT) sebelum pajak sebesar 6.27
tahun dengan batas antara 2-5 tahun, discounted cash flow rate of return
(DCFRR) sebesar 10.35?ngan batas minimum 13.31%, nilai breakeven point (BEP)
sebesar 77.37%, dan shutdown point (SDP) sebesar 30.81%. Berdasarkan
hasil analisis tersebut dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa rancangan pendirian
Pabrik Green ammonia dengan kapasitas 20,000 ton/tahun dianggap kurang
menarik dan perlu pengkajian ulang.
Green ammonia Plant is designed to have a capacity of 20,000 tons per
year and will operate for 330 days annually. The main raw materials for this
plant are H2O and N2. The product, ammonia, is obtained
by reacting N2 and H2, which are derived from the
electrolysis of H2O using Alkaline Water Electrolysis technology.
The electrolysis process is conducted at a temperature of 90°C and a pressure
of 1 atm and the ammonia formation reaction is carried out at a temperature of
450°C and a pressure of 153 atm. The ammonia reactor employs an adiabatic
quench cooling mechanism. The output from the ammonia reactor is
separated using a separator drum to obtain ammonia with a purity of 99%. The Green
ammonia Plant is planned to be established on a land area of 8.80 hectares
with a building area of 14.30 hectares with 317 employees. The plant will be
located in Cilegong Village, Jatiluhur Subdistrict, Purwakarta Regency, West
Java Province. To support the production process, utilities required include
make-up water at 32.15 m³/hour, dry air at 672 m³/hour, and electricity at
61.614 kW. The plant is established using fixed capital with an amount of
$20888497 or Rp341,156,166,798.20 and working capital with an amount of
$5,883,619.64 or Rp96,092,746,828.93. Based on product and technology analysis,
this plant is categorized as a medium-risk plant as it is a new product in an
established market. The economic analysis of this plant shows a Lang Factor of
3.49, a pre-tax return on investment (ROI) of 6.96% with a threshold of 16-24%,
a pre-tax payout time (POT) of 6.27 years with a threshold of 2-5 years, a
discounted cash flow rate of return (DCFRR) of 10.35% with a minimum threshold
of 13.31%, a breakeven point (BEP) of 77.37%, and a shutdown point (SDP) of 30.81%.
Based on these analysis results, it can be concluded that the preliminary
design of the Green ammonia Plant with a capacity of 20,000 tons per
year is considered less attractive and review back about the process
Kata Kunci : Green Ammonia, Elektrolisis, Green Hydrogen, Energi Terbarukan