Analisis Karakteristik Parameter Partial Discharge pada Isolasi Padat Menggunakan High Frequency Current Transformer
ADVENTYA BIRGITA, Prof. Ir. Tumiran, M. Eng., Ph. D., IPU. ; Dr. Ir. Avrin Nur Widiastuti, S.T., M. Eng., IPM.
2024 | Skripsi | TEKNIK ELEKTRO
Partial Discharge (PD) occurring in electrical power systems can cause failures in high-voltage equipment. High-voltage equipment uses insulation to separate two or more energized parts, making PD activity closely related to the dielectric strength of the insulation material. It is important to understand this dielectric strength as it directly impacts the quality and reliability of the insulation material. Therefore, detecting PD activity is crucial for maintaining electrical power system equipment by monitoring the durability of the insulation used. In its activity, PD produces various symptoms of energy release, including electromagnetic waves, voltage from current impulses, current impulses, and acoustic emissions. This research involves detecting PD activity in solid insulation made of silicone rubber using a High Frequency Current Transformer (HFCT) and a Fluke ii910 acoustic camera. The HFCT detects PD based on current impulses, while the acoustic camera detects PD based on acoustic signals. The research aims to observe the characteristics of PD signals in solid insulation under varying voltage increases, using two testing schemes: with and without conditioning the room. The results of PD signal detection using HFCT are processed into PD pattern plots, which show consistent PD signals between positive and negative cycles, specifically at the initial phase of the voltage peak from 0° to 90° for the positive peak and from 180° to 270° for the negative peak. HFCT data also reveal an increase in the number of PD signals (PD count), phase angle range, and PD signal amplitude with rising voltage. The results of PD signal detection using the acoustic camera are processed into acoustic reports that display relative phase plots and classify the types of detected PD. Data from the acoustic camera detection show relative phase plots different from those of the HFCT due to the different sources of PD detection readings. The acoustic camera’s relative phase plots show characteristics at the voltage peak phase, from 45° to 135° for the positive peak and from 225° to 315° for the negative peak. The classification of PD types detected by the acoustic camera predominantly shows external PD (corona discharge). The results of this research are expected to provide knowledge about the fundamental characteristics of PD activity in solid insulation, which can serve as a reference for further applied research.
Kata Kunci : partial discharge, isolasi padat, HFCT, kamera akustik