Proses Personal Therapy pada Calon Psikolog Peminatan Klinis
Atikah Prastowo, Prof. Drs. Subandi, M.A., Ph.D., Psikolog
2024 | Tesis | S2 Magister Profesi Psikologi
Personal therapy adalah segala tritmen psikologis yang dijalani oleh tenaga profesional kesehatan mental atau bagi yang sedang dalam pelatihan. Hal tersebut merupakan salah satu sarana bagi calon praktisi kesehatan mental untuk menjaga kesejahteraan psikologisnya. Di beberapa negara, praktik ini sudah banyak diintegrasikan dalam kurikulum pembelajaran dan diteliti manfaatnya. Namun, masih sedikit penelitian yang berfokus pada prosesnya, terutama pada institusi pendidikan yang belum mengadopsi praktik personal therapy. Penelitian ini mengkaji proses personal therapy secara naratif mulai dari proses pencarian bantuan, proses tritmen, hingga manfaat yang dirasakan, pada institusi pendidikan yang belum menormalisasi praktik tersebut. Lima orang mahasiswa Magister Psikologi Profesi klinis yang sempat menjalani tritmen psikologis diwawancara secara semi-terstruktur. Analisis tematik mengungkap empat tema besar: 1) motivasi dan hambatan mencari bantuan, 2) pengalaman calon psikolog mencari layanan, 3) karakteristik calon psikolog dalam menjalani terapi, dan 4) implikasi personal therapy. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan beberapa karakteristik khusus dari penanganan psikologis pada calon praktisi yang memberi pengaruh secara negatif maupun positif dalam proses pemulihannya. Implikasi bagi institusi pendidikan dan praktisi personal therapy dibahas dalam penelitian ini.
Personal therapy is a psychological treatment of mental health professionals (or those in-training). This is one of the means for mental health practicioners in training to maintain their psychological well-being. In several countries, this practice has been widely integrated into the learning curriculum and its benefits have been researched. However, there is still little research that focuses on the process, especially in educational institutions that have not yet adopted the practice of personal therapy. This research examines the personal therapy process narratively, starting from the process of seeking help, the treatment process, to the perceived benefits, in educational institutions that have not normalized this practice. Five masters students of Professional Psychology with specialty in Clinical Psychology who had undergone psychological treatment were interviewed in a semi-structured manner. Thematic analysis revealed four major themes: 1) motivations and barriers in help-seeking, 2) psychologists in training’s experience of help-seeking, 3) characteristics of psychologists in training’s therapy, and 4) implications of personal therapy. These results show several special characteristics of psychological treatment in practicioners in training that have a negative or positive influence on the recovery process. Implications for educational institutions and personal therapy practitioners are discussed in this research.
Kata Kunci : Personal therapy, psikolog klinis, pendidikan psikologi profesi, self-care