Morfologi, Anatomi, dan Histokimia Organ Daun dan Bunga Anggrek Bulbophyllum biflorum Teijsm. & Binn. (Sect. Biflorae) dan Bulbophyllum apodum Hook.f. (Sect. Stachysanthes)
SYARIVA HABIBA, Dr. Maryani, M.Sc.
2024 | Skripsi | BIOLOGI
Anggrek tergolong dalam
suku Orchidaceae, salah satu suku tanaman bunga terbesar yang memiliki
variabilitas cukup tinggi. Setiap jenis anggrek memiliki morfologi dan anatomi
berbeda-beda sehingga substansinya juga berbeda. Morfologi dan anatomi bunga
tertentu menghasilkan daya tarik polinator untuk penyerbukan bunga. Saat ini,
belum banyak studi morfologi, anatomi, dan histokimia anggrek Bulbophyllum dari Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan
mengidentifikasi struktur morfologi, anatomi, serta mengamati keberadaan substansi penarik polinator
organ daun dan bunga anggrek Bulbophyllum
biflorum Teijsm. & Binn. (sect. Biflorae) dan Bulbophyllum
apodum Hook.f. (sect. Stachysanthes).
Sampel diambil dari Kebun Raya Bali–BRIN dan Kebun Raya Bogor–BRIN. Metode yang digunakan yaitu pengamatan morfologi bunga dengan dissecting
microscope, sayatan epidermis dengan metode handsection, anatomi
daun dengan metode non-embedding dan anatomi bunga dengan metode embedding,
serta uji histokimia untuk keberadaan amilum, protein, lipid, kalsium oksalat, dan
lignin. Analisis data hasil penelitian dilakukan secara kualitatif dan
deskriptif menggunakan gambar dan tabel perbandingan. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa morfologi bunga B. biflorum memiliki satu sepal dorsal
berbentuk cekung ke dalam, dua sepal lateral yang menyatu, dua petal, satu
labellum berujung menyempit, serta satu gynostemium, sedangkan B.
apodum memiliki satu sepal dorsal berujung meruncing, dua sepal lateral
dengan bagian pangkal melebar, dua petal, satu labellum dengan ujung tumpul
membulat, serta satu gynostemium. Anatomi penampang melintang daun kedua
jenis anggrek terdiri atas kutikula,
epidermis atas dan bawah, mesofil, dan berkas pengangkut. Stomata hanya
ditemukan di bagian epidermis bawah daun. Anatomi penampang melintang sepal,
petal, labellum kedua jenis anggrek terdiri atas kutikula, epidermis atas dan bawah,
parenkim dasar, dan berkas pengangkut, serta terdapat papila dan sel sekretori
pada anggrek B. apodum. Substansi metabolit yang terdapat dalam daun
kedua jenis anggrek yaitu amilum, protein, lipid, dan lignin, sedangkan pada sepal,
petal, labellum kedua jenis anggrek terdapat tambahan kristal rafida pada
parenkim dasar di dalam sel idioblas. Substansi
penarik polinator terdapat pada bagian bunga anggrek (sepal, petal, terutama labellum) dengan
sekresi amilum, protein, dan lipid dimungkinkan sebagai pollination-reward.
Orchids belong to the
Orchidaceae family, one of the largest flowering plant families that has quite
high variability. Each type of orchid has different morphology and anatomy so
that their substances are also different. The morphology and anatomy of certain
flowers results in the attraction of pollinators for flower pollination.
Currently, there are not many studies on the morphology, anatomy and
histochemistry of Bulbophyllum orchids from Indonesia. This research
aims to identify the morphological structure, anatomy, and observe the presence
of pollinator-attracting substances in the leaf and flower organs of the Bulbophyllum
biflorum Teijsm orchid. & Binn. (sect. Biflorae) and Bulbophyllum
apodum Hook.f. (sect. Stachysanthes). Samples were taken from the
Bali Botanical Gardens–BRIN and the Bogor Botanical Gardens–BRIN. The methods
used were observing flower morphology using a dissecting microscope, epidermal
incision using the handsection method, leaf anatomy using the non-embedding
method and flower anatomy using the embedding method, as well as histochemical
tests for the presence of starch, protein, lipids, calcium oxalate and lignin.
Analysis of research data was carried out qualitatively and descriptively using
pictures and comparison tables. The
results showed that the flower morphology of B. biflorum has one concave
dorsal sepal, two fused lateral sepals, two petals, one labellum with a narrow
tip, and one gynostemium, while B. apodum has one dorsal sepal with a
tapered tip, two lateral sepals. with a wide base, two petals, a labellum with a rounded blunt tip, and a
gynostemium. The cross-sectional
anatomy of the leaves of both species of orchids consists of the cuticle, upper
and lower epidermis, mesophyll, and transport bundles. Stomata are only found
in the lower epidermis of the leaf. The cross-sectional anatomy of the sepals,
petals, labellum of both species of orchids consists of the cuticle, upper and
lower epidermis, basic parenchyma, and transport bundles, as well as papillae
and secretory cells in the B. apodum orchid. The metabolite substances
contained in the leaves of both species of orchids are starch, protein, lipids
and lignin, while in the sepals, petals and labellum of both species of orchids
there are additional raphide crystals in the basic parenchyma in the idioblast
cells. Pollinator-attracting substances are found in orchid flower parts
(sepals, petals, especially the labellum), with the secretion of starch,
proteins, and lipids being possible as a pollination-reward.
Kata Kunci : anatomi, anggrek, histokimia, labellum, morfologi