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Try Lestari, Beban kerja, Karakteristik perawat, Unit level, Task level, Patient level dan Clinician level. / Workload, Nurse characteristics, Unit level, Task level, Patient level, Clinician level.

2024 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat

Latar Belakang : Beban kerja tenaga kesehatan dapat berdampak buruk pada proses pelayanan pasien, menyebabkan kelelahan, absensi kerja dan menurunkan kualitas pelayanan. Klasifikasi beban kerja perawat meliputi unit-level, task-level, patient-level dan clinician-level.
Tujuan : Menganalisis dan mencari hubungan beban kerja perawat berdasarkan karakteristik unit pelayanan di RSUD H. Hanafie Muara Bungo Provinsi Jambi.
Metode : Mixed Method dengan strategi eksplanatoris sequensial. Sampel kuantitatif berjumlah 50 perawat dipilih dengan proportional random sampling, informan kualitatif berjumlah 13 responden dipilih dengan purposive sampling. Data dikumpulkan melalui angket beban kerja, lembar observasi dan wawancara.
Hasil      : Karakteristik perawat (usia, jenis kelamin, masa kerja, pendidikan dan pelatihan) tidak berhubungan signifikan dengan beban kerja. Sementara karakteristik unit pelayanan memiliki hubungan signifikan, seperti  di unit level, task level dan clinician level terdapat banyak responden dengan beban kerja tinggi, sedangkan pada patient level tidak terdapat hubungan signifikan secara statistik  dan beban kerja perawat cenderung rendah. Hasil wawancara mengidentifikasikan bahwa terdapat berbagai faktor yang menyebabkan beban kerja di setiap unit pelayanan.
Kesimpulan :  Karakteristik unit pelayanan mempengaruhi beban kerja perawat: pada unit level, oleh tingkat ketergantungan pasien yang tinggi, interaksi dengan keluarga pasien dan sistem Elektronik Rekam Medis (ERM) yang belum optimal, pada task level oleh keterbatasan sarana, interaksi dengan keluarga pasien dan jenis tugas. Pada clinician level, beban kerja disebabkan oleh keterbatasan sarana prasarana, kondisi pasien dan interaksi dengan keluarga pasien. Meskipun beban kerja pada patient level rendah, akan tetapi penggunaan ERM, keterbatasan saranan prasarana dan interaksi dengan keluarga pasien dapat meningkatkan beban kerja.

Background: The workload of health workers adversely affected the process of patient care, causing fatigue, absenteeism, and reducing the quality of service. The classification of nurse workload included unit-level, task-level, patient-level, and clinician-level.
Objective: Analyzed and found the relationship of nurses' workload based on the characteristics of service units at H. Hanafie Muara Bungo Hospital, Jambi Province.
Methods: A mixed method with a sequential explanatory strategy was used. Quantitative samples amounted to 50 nurses selected by proportional random sampling, and qualitative informants amounted to 13 respondents selected by purposive sampling. Data were collected through workload questionnaires, observation sheets, and interviews.
Results: Nurse characteristics (age, gender, tenure, education, and training) were not significantly associated with workload. Service unit characteristics, however, had a significant relationship with workload. At the unit level, task level, and clinician level, many respondents reported high workload, while at the patient level, there was no statistically significant relationship between workload and nurses. Statistically, nurses' workload tended to be low. The interview results identified various factors causing workload in each service unit.
Conclusion: Service unit characteristics affected nurses' workload. At the unit level, the high level of patient dependence, interaction with the patient's family, and the suboptimal Electronic Medical Record (ERM) system increased the workload. At the task level, limited facilities, interaction with the patient's family, and the type of task contributed to the workload. At the clinician level, workload was caused by limited infrastructure, patient conditions, and interactions with patient families. Although the workload at the patient level was low, the use of ERM, limited infrastructure, and interaction with the patient's family could increase the workload.

Kata Kunci : Beban kerja, Karakteristik perawat, Unit level, Task level, Patient level dan Clinician level.

  1. S2-2024-500047-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2024-500047-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2024-500047-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2024-500047-title.pdf