Prevalensi Cedera Akibat Jatuh pada Lanjut Usia dan Pra-Lanjut Usia Berdasarkan HDSS Kabupaten Sleman
ADELLA SAHDASALMA ALMIRA, dr. Beta Ahlam Gizela, DFM, Sp.FM Subsp.FK(K); Dr. dr. Woro Rukmi Pratiwi, M.Kes., Sp.PD.; Dr. dr. Probosuseno, Sp.PD-KGer, SE., MM.
2024 | Skripsi | PENDIDIKAN DOKTER
Background: Currently, falls are a major public health problem throughout the world, especially in the elderly population. The risk of falls increases with age. In the event of a fall, the elderly population is more susceptible to injury. Falls often result in injuries that require medical attention, and even disability. Therefore, it is important to conduct research regarding the prevalence of injuries due to falls in the elderly and pre-elderly, the description of injuries, and the factors that influence the severity of injuries, especially in Sleman Regency.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of injuries due to falls in the elderly and pre-elderly, description of injuries, as well as risk factors for injury severity (sociodemographics, comorbidities, and extrinsic factors) based on HDSS Sleman data.
Method: This research method is a descriptive observational study, with a crosssectional study design, using secondary data from the Sleman Health Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) in 2016, 2017, 2019 and 2021. The research sample consists of all cases of injury due to falls in the elderly (>60 years) and pre-elderly (45-59 years) totaling 571 respondents. The inclusion criteria are the elderly and pre-elderly population with injuries due to falls recorded by HDSS Sleman and containing the variables to be studied. Data that did not contain research variable were excluded. The data analysis used was univariable analysis to measure the prevalence and description of injuries, as well as bivariable analysis using the chi square test to understand factors that influence injury severity.
Results: In Sleman, the prevalence of injuries due to falls in the elderly was 0.85% in 2016, 1.46% in 2017, 1.19% in 2019, and 0.99% in 2021. Meanwhile, the prevalence in the pre-elderly was 0.73 % in 2016, 1.24% in 2017, 0.65% in 2019, and 0.57% in 2021. The most common injuries were abrasions/bruises (51.9% in pre-elderly and 47.6% in elderly), in the lower limbs (55.3%% in pre-elderly and 54.2% in elderly). The majority of cases (76.7%) required treatment, with 54,4% of the pre-elderly and 68,4% of the elderly treated by health workers. Injuries resulting from falls cause disability in 11.2% of cases, most often in the form of permanent scars (7.6% in pre-elderly and 10.2% in elderly). Comorbidities factors and extrinsic factors (where the injury occurred) are not risk factors for injury severity. Sociodemographic factors were not a risk factor for injury severity, except for work. In pre-elderly people, the proportion of major injuries was greater in the labor group (8.9%) (p-value 0.022). Meanwhile, among the elderly, the proportion of major injuries was greater in the non-working & retired group (20.4%) (p-value 0.011).
Conclusion: Based on HDSS Sleman data, the prevalence of injuries due to falls in the elderly is higher than pre-elderly, with the most common injuries being abrasions/bruises/bruises, in the lower extremities, the majority requiring treatment & treated by healthworkers. Fall injury can cause disability, the most common being permanent scars. The sociodemographic factor that is a risk factor for injury severity is occupation.
Kata Kunci : Injury, Fall, Elderly, Pre-elderly, HDSS Sleman