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Analisis Kinerja Operasional dan Kebutuhan Infrastruktur Pelabuhan Yos Sudarso Ambon

Rizki Ramadhan Prayitno, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Triatmodjo, CES., DEA.

2024 | Skripsi | TEKNIK SIPIL

Penyediaan transportasi maritim di Indonesia masih cukup menantang, khususnya di wilayah timur Indonesia. Terletak di Kota Ambon, Pelabuhan Yos Sudarso memiliki potensi utama berupa peranan sebagai pelabuhan utama di Provinsi Maluku, kedekatan dengan Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia III yang menghubungkan Asia Timur dengan Australia, serta peluang menjadi rantai pasok perikanan nasional dan internasional. Agar Pelabuhan Yos Sudarso mampu mengoptimalkan ketiga potensi tersebut, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis kemampuan dermaga dan lapangan penumpukan peti kemas terpasang dalam rangka melayani arus peti kemas serta memenuhi standar kinerja operasional di masa mendatang. Melalui pengumpulan data sekunder, penelitian mencakup reviu pemenuhan sarana prasarana di 2023 terhadap rencana jangka menengah (2016-2025) pada Rencana Induk Pelabuhan (RIP) Ambon, maupun peramalan arus peti kemas, kedatangan kapal, kebutuhan dermaga dan lapangan penumpukan, berth occupancy ratio (BOR), yard occupancy ratio (YOR), serta berth throughput (BTP) hingga 2035. Berbasis data 2014 hingga taksasi 2023, arus peti kemas diproyeksi dengan metode terpilih dari 12 skenario dengan pendekatan tren dan asosiatif. Hasil penelitian memproyeksikan Pelabuhan Yos Sudarso akan melayani 155.006 TEUs peti kemas melalui 455 shipcall pada 2035 sehingga memerlukan dermaga sepanjang 270 m serta lapangan penumpukan peti kemas seluas 32.182 m2. Mempertimbangkan saat ini terdapat dermaga sepanjang 334 m dan lapangan penumpukan peti kemas seluas 49.700 m2, maka tidak diperlukan meningkatan kapasitas. Nilai BOR dan YOR maksimal hingga 2035 ialah 62,3?n 64,8% sehingga masih memenuhi rekomendasi Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Laut Nomor HK.103/2/18/DJPL-16 sebesar 75%. Adapun Pelabuhan Yos Sudarso memiliki BTP hingga 862,7 TEUs/m/tahun. Agar sesuai dengan rencana jangka menengah RIP Ambon, Pelabuhan Yos Sudarso perlu menambahkan lapangan penumpukan seluas 1.960 m2, 1 unit mobile crane, 1 unit rubber-tired gantry, 1 unit reach stacker, 3 unit head truck, dan 5 unit tronton.

Providing maritime connectivity in eastern Indonesia is challenging. Yos Sudarso Port, located in Ambon, has at least three prospective strengths: serving as the main port in Maluku Province, located near ALKI III which connects East Asia and Australia; and possessing the promise of the domestic and global fisheries supply. As Yos Sudarso Port shall optimize those prospects, the study aims to analyze the existing berth and container yard's capability to handle container traffic and fulfill operational performance requirements in the future.  Using secondary data, this study covers the gap analysis of existing port infrastructure and superstructure to its medium-term masterplan (2016-2025), yet the projection of container traffic and ship calls, the demand for berth length and container yard area, as well as berth occupancy ratio (BOR), yard occupancy ratio (YOR), and berth throughput (BTP) until 2035. Based on 2014 to 2023 data, the container traffic will be projected using the chosen method, out of 12 scenarios with trend and associative approaches. This study projects Yos Sudarso Port to serve 155.006 TEUs of containers through 455 ship calls in 2035, which requires 270 meters of berth and 32.182 m2 of container yard. With the existing 334 meters of berth and 49.700 m2 of container yard, capacity enhancement is unnecessary until 2035. The maximum BOR and YOR will be 62,3% and 64,8% respectively, still meeting the required performance of 75% by Perdirjenhubla HK.103/2/18/DJPL-16. The maximum BTP of this port is 862,7 TEUs/m/year. To meet its medium-term master plan, the provision gaps are 1.960 m2 of container yard, a mobile crane, a rubber-tired gantry crane, a reach stacker, three head trucks, and five trontons. Providing maritime connectivity in eastern Indonesia is challenging. Yos Sudarso Port, located in Ambon, has at least three prospective strengths: serving as the main port in Maluku Province, located near ALKI III which connects East Asia and Australia; and possessing the promise of the domestic and global fisheries supply. As Yos Sudarso Port shall optimize those prospects, the study aims to analyse the capability of existing berth and container yard to handle container traffic and fulfill operational performance requirements until 2035.

Kata Kunci : Kinerja operasional pelabuhan, proyeksi trafik, Pelabuhan Yos Sudarso, berth occupancy ratio, yard occupancy ratio

  1. S1-2024-415223-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2024-415223-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2024-415223-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2024-415223-title.pdf