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Izzata Lintalana, Ir.Muh Arif Wibisono, S.T., M.T., D.Eng., IPM., ASEAN.Eng.

2024 | Skripsi | TEKNIK INDUSTRI

Sejak tahun 2019 Universitas Gadjah Mada telah mengembangkan kendaraan listrik berkonsep buggy car yang dinamakan Gadjahmada Airport Transporter Electronic. Kendaraan ini berkapasitas 4-6 penumpang dan untuk penggunaan mobilitas jarak dekat, seperti di bandara, tempat wisata, lingkungan kampus, dan lain sebagainya. Oleh karena itu, perlu strategi pemasaran yang efektif dan efisien untuk menunjang pengembangan produk GATe UGM dengan perancangan desain situs web GATe UGM.
Penelitian ini diawali dengan perancangan situs web GATe UGM dengan konsep desain mengikuti hasil observasi pengguna melalui metode user-centered design dimana terbentuklah model dua Persona sebagai perwakilan dari pengguna ahli dengan konsumen. Kemudian proses desain website juga mengacu kepada pedoman buku Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines termasuk desain standar elemen-elemen UI/UX untuk situs web. Kemudian hasil desain situs web tersebut diuji usabilitasnya kepada tiga kelompok partisipan, yaitu para ahli, konsumen, dan orang awam. 
Dari ketiga aspek pengukuran usabilitas pada situs web GATe UGM, rerata tingkat keberhasilan partisipan mencapai 91%; hasil nilai efisiensi memiliki perbedaan yang bervariatif; dan rerata tingkat kepuasan pengguna mencapai 87,5 dimana masuk dalam kategori acceptable atau grade Excellent

Since 2019, Gadjah Mada University has developed an electric vehicle with a buggy car concept called Gadjahmada Airport Transporter Electronic. This vehicle has a capacity of 4-6 passengers and is for short-distance mobility use, such as at airports, tourist attractions, campus environments, and so on. Therefore, there is a need for an effective and efficient marketing strategy to support the development of GATe UGM products by developing GATe UGM website design.

This research began with designing the GATe UGM website with a concept following the results of user observations through the user-centered design method where two Persona models were formed as representatives of expert users and consumers. Then the website design process also refers to the Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines book including standard design UI/UX elements for websites. Then the results of the website design were tested for usability on three categories: experts, consumers, and regular/novice participants.

The research analyze the result through three attributes of usability on GATe UGM website: the average participant success rate reached 91%; varying differences in the efficiency values results; and the average user satisfaction level reached 87,5 which is in the Acceptable or Excellent grade category.

Kata Kunci : UI/UX design, user-centered design, usability testing, human factors, electric vehicle, GATe UGM

  1. S1-2024-431205-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2024-431205-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2024-431205-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2024-431205-title.pdf