Formasi dan Negosiasi Ideologi dalam Novel Anak Gembala yang Tertidur Panjang di Akhir Zaman Karya A. Mustafa: Analisis Hegemoni Gramsci
2024 | Skripsi | S1 SASTRA INDONESIAPenelitian ini menggunakan novel Anak Gembala yang Tertidur Panjang di Akhir Zaman karya A. Mustafa sebagai objek material dan teori hegemoni Antonio Gramsci sebagai objek formal. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjawab dua rumusan masalah, yakni formasi dan negosiasi ideologi dalam novel Anak Gembala yang Tertidur Panjang di Akhir Zaman. Data yang berupa kalimat, dialog, dan narasi dianalisis menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis, yaitu mendeskripsikan fakta-fakta yang dilanjutkan dengan analisis.
This research uses the novel Anak Gembala yang Tertidur Panjang di Akhir Zaman by A. Mustafa as the material object and Antonio Gramsci's theory of hegemony as the formal object. This research aims to answer two problem formulations: formation and negotiation of ideology in the novel Anak Gembala yang Tertidur Panjang di Akhir Zaman. Data in the form of sentences, dialogue, and narratives were analyzed using the descriptive analysis method, namely describing the facts followed by analysis.
The first problem formulation answers and shows that there are eleven ideologies that have coordinative, subordinate and contradictory relationships. These ideologies include humanism, theism, traditionalism, militarism, fatherism, capitalism, heteronormativity, masculinity, patriarchy, nationalism and liberalism. The ideologies that have a coordinative relationship are humanism-theism, theism-traditionalism, militarism-fatherism, fatherism-capitalism, and heteronormativity-patriarchy. The ideologies that have a subordinate relationship are humanism-militarism, nationalism-fatherism, nationalism-theism, and masculinity-patriarchy. The ideology that has a contradictory relationship is traditionalism-liberalism.
The second problem formulation answers and shows that there are eight ideological negotiations that occur through reflection within the character and conflict between the characters. The novel Anak Gembala yang Tertidur Panjang di Akhir Zaman negotiates religious traditionalism, religious freedom (Ahmadiyah religiosity), acceptance of the subaltern position of transvestites, and human values when faced with the ideologies of militarism, fatherism, and capitalism.Through the novel Anak Gembala yang Tertidur Panjang di Akhir Zaman, the author introduces his ideas about Javanese cultural traditions as an answer to the problems of a transitional society that has experienced dehumanization due to globalization.
Kata Kunci : hegemoni, ideologi, formasi, negosiasi