Place Attachment Coffee Shop di Kapanewon Depok, Kabupaten Sleman
Nur Sidiq Oktorino Frisdianto, Dr. Geog. Dodi Widiyanto, S.Si., M. Reg. Dev.
Ruang publik mampu memberikan beragam pengalaman unik dan menarik bagi pengunjungnya lewat konsep, fasilitas, hingga pelayanan tempat tersebut. Ruang publik yang semakin populer adalah coffee shop yang bertransformasi dari tempat meminum kopi menjadi destinasi khusus secara umum, maupun personal yang berkaitan dengan persepsi psikologis setiap individu. Seringkali ikatan personal psikologis tersebut menimbulkan harmonisasi antara identitas diri dan identitas tempat yang dibentuk secara tidak langsung oleh tempat itu sehingga memunculkan adanya fenomena place attachment yang berarti keterkaitan emosional dari interaksi positif antara tempat dengan individu yang terjadi secara berulang-ulang sehingga menjadi salah satu pengalaman dalam hidup. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan (1) mengetahui perbedaan tingkat keterkaitan antara ruang dengan pengunjung laki-laki dan perempuan, (2) Mengetahui tingkat keterkaitan pengunjung terhadap coffee shop di Kapanewon Depok berdasarkan Tabel Kriteria Presentasi Skor (Narimawati, 2007). Sumber data primer diperoleh dengan teknik survei kuesioner serta metode pengambilan sampel non-probablity samplingg. Teknik pengambilan sampel memakai kombinasi dari quota sampling, yakni sampel non acak. Teknik pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan uji beda dua sampel independen (independent sample t-test). Hasil penelitian dilakukan untuk mengukur tingkat keterkaitan emosional antara pengunjung dan tempat didasarkan pada karakteristik pengunjung seperti jenis kelamin, usia, pendidikan, dan pendapatan dengan pengunjung berjumlah 52 yang memiliki kriteria pernah berkunjung ke suatu tempat setidaknya lebih dari satu kali atau telah datang berulang. Indikator yang menjadi variabel dari penentuan place attachment, yakni place identity dan place dependence. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat fenomena place attachment dengan dua aspek, yakni place identity dan place dependence yang menimbulkan ketergantungan pengujung dengan coffee shop sebagai ruang publik.
Kata Kunci: place attachment, ruang publik, coffee shop, place identity, place dependence.
Public spaces are able to provide a variety of unique and interesting experiences for visitors through the concept, facilities, and services of the place. An increasingly popular public space is a coffee shop that transforms from a place to drink coffee into a special destination in general, as well as personal related to the psychological perception of each individual. These personal psychological bonds cause harmonization between self-identity and place identity that can be formed indirectly by the place also giving the rise of the phenomenon of place attachment, which means the emotional connection of positive interactions between places and individuals that occur repeatedly so that it becomes something unique experiences in life. The objectives of the study are (1) knowing the difference of linkage level among space, male, and female visitors, (2) knowing the level of linkage of visitors to coffee shops in Depok District based on the Score Presentation Criteria Table (Narimawati, 2007). This study was conducted with primary data sources obtained using questionnaire survey techniques and sampling methods using non-probablity sampling. The sampling technique uses a combination of quota sampling, which is a non-random sample. The data processing and analysis technique using the difference test between two independent samples (independent sample t-test). The results of the study conducted to measure the level of emotional connection between visitors and places based on visitors characteristics which include gender, age, education, and income total 52 visitors who have the criteria of having visited a place at least once or have come repeatedly. Indicators that become variables of determining place attachment are place identity and place dependence.The result shows that there is a place attachment with two aspects such as place identity and place dependence that causes visitors dependency in public area especially coffee shop.
Keywords: place attachment, public space, coffee shop, place identity, place dependence.
Kata Kunci : Place attachment, ruang publik, coffee shop, place identity, place dependence