Analisis Sistem Transportasi Publik Trans Jogja terhadap Pemenuhan Prinsip Aksesibilitas dalam Pelayanan Publik bagi Difabel di Yogyakarta: Studi Banding Sistem Transportasi Publik Trans Jakarta
ANANDA SATRIO BAWONO, Dr. Hendry Julian Noor, S.H., M.Kn
2024 | Skripsi | ILMU HUKUM
This legal writing aims to analyze the understanding of whether the Trans Jogja public transport system is compatible with the implementation of the principle of accessibility, in particular in an effort to provide public services of an inclusive nature in accordance with the Public Service Act which regulates the existence of the principles of equality and accessibility in the organization of public services. Furthermore, the study also analyzes the application of the concept of accessible infrastructure and services for persons with disabilities.
The author used empirical normative research to write this law. This study's foundation was a review of the literature that included pertinent books, articles, and journals on legal writing as well as references on state administrative law. This essay describes how the Trans Jogja public transportation system's implementation of accessibility standards for individuals with impairments was analyzed. The author then goes on to clarify the discussion by offering a comparison point with Jakarta's current transit system, Trans Jakarta.
The legal writing highlights how Trans Jogja's public transportation system lacks adequate facilities and infrastructure for disabled people, as well as legal certainty and inclusive infrastructure. Unlike Trans Jakarta, which employs accessibility principles, Trans Jogja's accessibility policy is restricted to textbook application under Public Services Law.
Kata Kunci : Transportasi Publik, Prinsip Aksesibilitas, Pelayanan Publik, Disabilitas, Hukum Administrasi Negara.