Industri kosmetik alami berkembang pesat di e-marketplace karena dianggap lebih aman daripada produk sintetis. Namun, banyak iklan yang menyesatkan dan tidak memenuhi regulasi periklanan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran produk alami antijerawat yang diiklankan di e-marketplace Tokopedia dan tingkat kesesuaian iklan dengan regulasi.
Penelitian ini menganalisis iklan produk alami antijerawat di Tokopedia dan mengevaluasi kesesuaiannya dengan regulasi berdasarkan peraturan BPOM dan setifikasi NATRUE. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif melalui lembar checklist. Sampel diperoleh melalui seleksi iklan berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi yang telah ditetapkan. Data dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan disajikan secara deskriptif. Pencarian iklan dilakukan melalui situs Tokopedia dengan kata kunci "antijerawat natural".
Hasil penelitian terhadap 53 iklan dari 71 sampel (75%) iklan produk Alami Antijerawat yang diiklankan di Tokopedia menunjukkan bahwa informasi komposis bahan produk tidak tersedia sehingga menghambat identifikasi kealamian produk dan penelitian ini tidak dapat mengetahui tingkat kealamian produk. Hasil penelitian pada 71 iklan produk antijerawat alami di e-marketplace Tokopedia, diketahui terdapat 23 merek yang berbeda dan kesesuaiannya terhadap regulasi BPOM menunjukkan rata-rata mencapai 90,68%. Namun, terdapat pelanggaran dengan pelanggaran terbanyak pada poin aturan "iklan tidak mencantumkan pernyataan mengenai fungsi di luar dari fungsi kosmetika" sebanyak 78,87%.
The natural cosmetics industry is growing rapidly in e-marketplaces because it is considered safer than synthetic products. However, many advertisements circulating that do not comply with advertising regulations in Indonesia. This research aims to determine the description of natural anti-acne products available on the Tokopedia e-marketplace and the level of advertising compliance with regulations.
This research analyzes advertisements for natural anti-acne products on Tokopedia and provides compliance with regulations based on BPOM regulations and NATRUE certification. This research is descriptive in nature with a quantitative approach using a checklist sheet. Samples were obtained through advertising selection based on predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data was analyzed quantitatively and presented descriptively. An advertisement search was carried out on the Tokopedia website with the keyword "natural anti-acne".
The results of research on 53 of 71 sample (75%) natural anti-acne products advertised on Tokopedia show that the quantity of product information is not available in the 53 advertisements analyzed, which hinders the identification of the naturalness of the product and this research cannot determine the level of naturalness of the product. The results of research on 71 advertisements for natural anti-acne products on the Tokopedia showed that there were 23 different brands and their compliance with BPOM regulations showed an average of 90.68%. However, there were violations with the highest number of violations in the rule point "advertising does not mention statements regarding functions other than cosmetic functions" as much as 78.87%.
Kata Kunci : antijerawat alami, iklan, regulasi, e-marketplace