Strategi Mitigasi Risiko Rantai Pasok Ekspor Kopi di PTPN IX
Luisa Maliny Situmeang, Arini Wahyu Utami, Ph.D;Prof.Dr.Ir. Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto, M.S
2024 | Tesis | S2 Magister Manj.Agribisnis
Kopi Banaran PTPN IX merupakan salah satu produk unggulan dari Indonesia
yang telah diekspor ke berbagai negara di dunia. Pelaksanaan rantai pasok di
Kopi Banaran PTPN IX memiliki potensi untuk menghadapi risiko pada
masing-masing pelaku rantai pasoknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui aliran produk, aliran finansial, dan aliran
informasi pada rantai pasok Kopi Banaran PTPN IX, (2) mengetahui risiko
tertinggi pada masing-masing pelaku rantai pasok Kopi Banaran PTPN IX, dan (3) menyusun strategi
mitigasi risiko pada masing-masing pelaku rantai pasok Kopi Banaran PTPN IX. Penelitian dilaksanakan
di Kopi Banaran PTPN IX yang berlokasi di Gemawang, Asinan, Jawa Tengah. Responden dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 2
bagian yaitu tahap pertama adalah responden expert
yaitu Direktur Kopi Banaran dan tahap kedua adalah pelaku masing-masing rantai
pasok minimal satu orang setiap rantai. Data yang diperoleh
kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan fuzzy Failure
Mode Effect and Analysis (FMEA). Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa Kopi Banaran termasuk dalam
kategori sangat lancar. Risiko rantai pasok Kopi Banaran PTPN IX, terdapat
19 risiko yang terdiri dari 7 risiko di kebun, 6 risiko di pabrik, 1 risiko di
gudang, dan 5 risiko di pelabuhan. Risiko dengan nilai FRPN tertinggi di kebun
adalah cuaca ekstrim (396). Risiko dengan nilai FRPN tertinggi di pabrik
adalah kekurangan tenaga kerja sortir (391). Risiko dengan nilai
FRPN di gudang adalah kelalaian karyawan dalam mengatur suhu ruangan (317). Risiko dengan nilai
FRPN tertinggi di pelabuhan adalah harga fluktuatif (430). Berdasarkan hasil
perhitungan metode AHP di kebun, risiko untuk dilakukan mitigasi yang paling
tinggi adalah cuaca ekstrim dengan mitigasi pengelolaan air (0,490). Di pabrik, mitigasi dengan nilai bobot
tertinggi adalah kekurangan tenaga sortir dengan mitigasi yaitu penggunaan pekerja
kontrak (0,407). Di gudang mitigasi pada risiko kelalaian karyawan dalam
mengatur suhu ruangan adalah mitigasi alarm pengatur suhu ruangan (0,455). Di
pelabuhan, mitigasi dengan nilai bobot tertinggi adalah harga fluktuatif dengan
mitigasi yaitu pemantauan pasar (0,409).
The Banaran Coffee supply chain structure consists of several supply
chain members that have different roles. Supply chain members consist of farms,
factories, warehouses, and ports. This study aims to examine the smooth flow of
product, financial, and information flow in the PTPN IX Banaran Coffee supply
chain, determine the highest risk in each PTPN IX Banaran Coffee supply chain
actor, and develop risk mitigation strategies for each PTPN IX Banaran Coffee
supply chain actor. This research is a quantitative research, because the
author uses primary data in the form of numbers that will be obtained from the
results of interviews. The research was conducted at PTPN IX Banaran Coffee
located in Gemawang, Asinan, Central Java. The research location was determined
by purposive. The sampling technique in this study used judgment sampling
technique. Respondents in this study consisted of 2
parts, the first stage was expert respondents and the second stage was the
actors of each supply chain. Analysis of product flow, financial flow, and
information flow of Banaran Coffee supply chain using Likert scale. Supply
chain risk analysis using Fuzzy FMEA and risk mitigation strategies using
Analytical Hierarchy Process. The results showed that Banaran Coffee supply
chain members consist of farms, factories, warehouses, and ports. The flow of
products, finances, and information in the Banaran Coffee supply chain is categorized
as smooth. Based on the results of the risk identification of the PTPN IX
banaran coffee supply chain, there are 19 risks consisting of 7 risks in the
garden, 6 risks in the factory, 1 risk in the warehouse, and 5 risks in the
port. The results of the banaran coffee supply chain risk assessment using the
Fuzzy FMEA method show risk prioritization based on the highest FRPN value for
each risk in each banaran coffee supply chain actor. The risk with the highest
FRPN value in the farm is extreme weather (396). The risk with the highest FRPN
value at the factory is the shortage of sorting labor (391). The risk with the
highest FRPN value in the warehouse is employee negligence in regulating room
temperature (317). The risk with the highest FRPN value at the port is
fluctuating prices (430). The results of the
risk assessment are used in determining the risk mitigation strategy of the
Banaran coffee supply chain. Based on the results of the AHP method calculation
in the farm, the highest risk to mitigate is extreme weather with mitigation of
water management (0.490). In the
factory, the mitigation with the highest weight value is the shortage of
sorting labor with mitigation, namely the use of contract workers (0.407). In
the warehouse, the mitigation for the risk of employee negligence in regulating
the room temperature is the mitigation of the room temperature control alarm
(0.455). At the Port, the mitigation with the highest weight value is
fluctuating prices with mitigation being market monitoring (0.409).
Kata Kunci : Supply Chain,Risk,Risk Management,Fuzzy Failure Mode and Effect,Analyss,Analytical Hierarchy Process.