AMANDA ZAHRA SALSABILLA, Dr. dr. H. Zaenal M. Sofro. AIFM, Sport&Circ. Med, dr. Meida Sofyana, M.Biomed.
2024 | Skripsi | PENDIDIKAN DOKTER
Latar Belakang : Aktivitas fisik memiliki peranan penting dan manfaat besar dalam kesehatan orang dewasa maupun remaja. Studi menyatakan bahwa prevalensi kurangnya aktivitas fisik di Indonesia mencapai 22.6?ri keseluruhan penduduk. Angka tersebut menunjukkan bahwa masih terdapat penduduk yang belum memahami pentingnya aktivitas fisik dan menerapkannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari terutama pada populasi mahasiswa yang prevalensinya mencapai 55%. Aktivitas fisik terbukti berdampak terhadap fungsi kognitif pada populasi anak dan lansia. Namun, bukti hubungan aktivitas fisik dan fungsi kognitif pada populasi dewasa muda, termasuk mahasiswa, masih inkonsisten. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan pengkajian lebih lanjut terkait salah satu manfaat aktivitas fisik yakni hubungannya dengan performa kognitif terutama pada populasi mahasiswa untuk menunjang kegiatan belajar serta performa akademik.
Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara aktivitas fisik yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa dengan performa kognitif.
Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan sub studi dari penelitian intervensi aktivitas fisik, perilaku diet dan hidrasi pada mahasiswa (Health and Wellness Festival UGM 2022) selama 8 minggu. Studi cross sectional ini akan menggunakan I-PASS untuk menilai aktivitas fisik dan tes MemTrax untuk menilai fungsi kognitif pada mahasiswa yang direkrut secara convenience sampling sebelum mengikuti intervensi dengan sampel minimal sebesar 334 orang. Aktivitas fisik aerobik maupun penguatan otot akan dikategorikan berdasarkan WHO Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guideline 2020. Fungsi kognitif akan dinilai berdasarkan persentase akurasi dan kecepatan waktu reaksi dalam pemeriksaan MemTrax. Kemudian, hubungan tingkat aktivitas fisik dan fungsi akan dinilai korelasinya menggunakan tes Pearson apabila data terdistribusi normal atau menggunakan tes Spearman apabila data tidak terdistribusi normal.
Kata kunci : Aktivitas fisik, performa kognitif, konsentrasi, memori jangka pendek, mahasiswa
Background: Physical activity (PA) has an important role and excellent benefits in cognitive health in children, adolescents, and older people. However, evidence on the relationship between physical activity and cognitive function in young adult populations, including college students, must be more consistent. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out further studies related to one of the benefits of physical activity, namely its relationship with cognitive performance, especially in the student population, to support learning activities and academic performance. The research question of this study is "Is there a positive relationship between physical activity on cognitive performance in the short-term memory domain and reaction time speed of Gadjah Mada University students?"
Purpose: This study aims to determine the relationship between physical activity carried out by students with cognitive performance.
Method: This research is a sub-study of physical activity intervention research, dietary behavior, and hydration in university students (Health and Wellness Festival UGM 2022) for eight weeks. This cross-sectional study used the I-PASS questionnaire (Indonesian Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour, Sleeping Habits) to assess physical activity and the MemTrax test to assess cognitive function in students recruited by convenience sampling before participating in the intervention with a sample of 216 people. Data analysis was carried out by comparing the results of the I-PASS questionnaire and the results of the MemTrax examination. The data obtained were analyzed by descriptive analysis, mean comparison test, and a bivariate correlation test to determine whether there is a relationship between variables. To assess the relationship between weekly aerobic physical activity and the percentage of accuracy and speed of reaction time presented in the form of ratio data, the Spearman test was used on non-normally distributed data.
Result: The level of physical activity of Gadjah Mada University students is still categorized as minimally active. Reaction speed or MTXspeed, which describes the subject's concentration variable, has an average value of 1.34 ± 0.20 MTXspeed (s-1). Meanwhile, the median value of short-term memory or MTXcorrect was 96%. The outcomes of bivariate correlation analysis revealed that moderate PA (p = 0.95), vigorous PA (p = 0.28), and MVPA (p = 0.62) have no significant correlation on short-term memory in young adults. Moderate PA (p = 0.18), vigorous PA (p = 0.79), and MVPA (p = 0.45) also have no significant correlation with a concentration in young adults.
Conclusion: According to the results of this research population, moderate PA, vigorous PA, and MVPA have no significant correlation with short-term memory and concentration in young adults.
Keywords: Physical activity, cognitive performance, concentration, short-term memory, college students
Kata Kunci : Aktivitas fisik, performa kognitif, konsentrasi, memori jangka pendek, mahasiswa