Mengukur Tingkat Loyalitas Pengguna Bus Trans Jogja dengan Pendekatan Rasch Model
Nur Oktaviani Widiastuti, Prof. Dr.Eng. Ir. Muhammad Zudhy Irawan, S.T., M.T.
2024 | Tesis | S2 Mag. S. & T.Transportasi
The research background is the decrease in the number of passengers on the Trans Jogja Bus due to COVID-19, which has not yet returned to pre-pandemic levels. This study aims to measure the level of user loyalty to the Trans Jogja Bus and understand the users' capability to maintain loyalty. Additionally, the research aims to analyze the impact of sociodemographic factors and the frequency of Trans Jogja Bus usage before and after COVID-19 on loyalty.
Data for this study were collected through a questionnaire survey of passengers using the Trans Jogja Bus (on-bus survey). Out of 556 respondents surveyed, 457 valid data were used in the analysis. The data analysis methods employed in this study were the Rasch Model and ANOVA. The Rasch Model was used to analyze the level of user loyalty, while ANOVA was used to analyze loyalty concerning sociodemographic factors and the frequency of Trans Jogja Bus usage before and after COVID-19.
The analysis using the Rasch Model produced statistical values indicating a high level of consistency and reliability at both individual and item levels. User loyalty to the Trans Jogja Bus was found to be relatively high, ranging from 89.51% to 100%, despite potential factors that could influence their loyalty. Factors such as the unavailability of cars and motorcycles, public perception, comfort level, cleanliness, and ticket prices showed a positive impact on loyalty. Meanwhile, fleet conditions, bus age, safety on board, ease of access, value for money, and punctuality had the potential to decrease user loyalty. ANOVA analysis revealed changes in the frequency and level of user loyalty to the Trans Jogja Bus before and after COVID-19. Other results indicated that sociodemographic factors, particularly motorcycle ownership, significantly influenced the level of loyalty. Users with motorcycles demonstrated higher loyalty levels, around 19.69% of total respondents, and could be identified as choice users, excluding spurious loyalty.
Kata Kunci : Loyalty, Bus Trans Jogja, COVID-19, Sociodemography, Rasch Model