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Previanto Pradipta, operating lease, Importance Performance Analysis, survey, customer satisfaction.

2024 | Tesis | S2 MANAJEMEN (MM) JAKARTA

Penelitian ini mendalami tingkat layanan KINTO (Bisnis sewa sperasi) di PT Toyota Astra Financial Services, sebuah entitas finansial terkemuka di Indonesia yang erat terkait dengan industri otomotif. Demi meningkatkan kualitas layanan dari KINTO sendiri PT Toyota Astra Financial Services memutuskan untuk melakukan investasi lebih lanjut terhadap bagian administrasi, penjualan, dan purnajual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor layanan dan menganalisis perbedaan tingkat kepentingan terhadap tingkat kinerja ada produk KINTO. Data penelitian ini diambil dari hasil survei pelanggan pada acara GIIAS 2022 dan dilakukan wawancara lebih lanjut dengan kepala seksi KINTO. Faktor yang terpilih diuji lebih lanjut dengan metode Uji Rasio Validitas dan setelah itu survei pelanggan dilakukan dan didapati 143 responden. Data hasil survei diolah dengan metode IPA. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada dua belas sub atribut dari tiga atribut besar yaitu administrasi, penjualan, dan purna jual, dimana perlu ada peningkatan layanan pada kelengkapan dokumen kontrak, dan kualitas solusi layanan pelanggan, dan perlu ada pengurangan usaha pada kemudahan akses informasi, kepatutan harga,kecepatan proses, kemudahan akses layanan pelanggan, dan kecepatan respon layanan pelanggan.

This research explores the level of KINTO (operating lease business) service at PT Toyota Astra Financial Services, a leading financial entity in Indonesia that is closely related to the automotive industry. In order to improve the quality of service from KINTO itself, PT Toyota Astra Financial Services decided to make further investments in the administration, sales and after-sales departments. This research aims to identify service factors and analyze differences in the level of importance of the level of performance of KINTO products. This research data was taken from the results of a customer survey at the GIIAS 2022 event and further interviews were conducted with the KINTO section head. The selected factors were further tested using the Check Validity Ratio method and after that a customer survey was conducted and 143 respondents were found. The survey data was processed using the IPA method. The results of this research show that there are twelve sub-attributes from three major attributes, namely administration, sales, and after-sales, where there needs to be an increase in service regarding the completeness of contract documents, and the quality of customer service solutions, and there needs to be a reduction in efforts to ease access to information, appropriateness of price, speed of processing, ease of access to customer service, and speed of customer service response.

Kata Kunci : sewa operasi, Importance Performance Analysis, survey, kepuasan pelanggan.

  1. S2-2024-490961-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2024-490961-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2024-490961-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2024-490961-title.pdf