Karakteristik Fisiologis, Morfologis, dan Hasil Tanaman Abaka (Musa textilis Nee) yang Dikelola Secara Agroforestri di Ngawi
Arly Najibunniam, Eka Tarwaca Susila Putra, S.P., M.P., Ph. D. ; Ir. Budiastuti Kurniasih, M.Sc., Ph.D.
2024 | Tesis | S2 Agronomi
Abaca known as a plant that produces natural fiber and it’s widely cultivated using agroforestry systems, for example teak, in the middle and advanced phases to find out the best phase to combine with abaca. This research aims to examine the agroclimatic characteristics, nutrients, physiological, morphological performance and yield of abaca cultivated using a teak-based agroforestry system in the middle phase and advanced phase to determine the best abaca’s response from two phases.
The research was designed using a nested design. The parameters observed were agroclimatic characteristics, abaca nutrient uptake, physiology, morphology, and abaca yield. The middle phase of agroforestry shows higher humidity and lower temperatures than the advanced phase with a difference of 3% and 1.57ºC respectively compared to the advanced phase because of multistrata canopy system and higher plant diversity cause the microweather in the middle phase to be more suitable, compared to the advanced phase. The absorption all of macro and micro nutrients in the middle phase was higher and significantly different compared to the advanced phase, indicating that abaca in the middle phase had more nutrient uptake because it was able to absorb more nutrients from the soil. The morphological characteristics of abaca in the middle phase are better and significantly different compared to the advanced phase, with the respective differences in plant height variables 110.11 cm, apparent stem circumference 7.99 cm, and number of tillers 5. Furthermore, in terms of yield characteristics, all variables showed that abaca planted in the middle phase was better and significantly different compared to the advanced phase, it can be seen the respective differences in the number of banana fronds is 4, the weight of banana fronds is 2.95 kg/plant, the fresh weight of fiber is 353.66 g/plant, and the weight of dry fiber is 120.67 g/plant.
Kata Kunci : abaca, agroforestry, teak